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By the time I got up, Travis was already gone. I don't know when he left, but he left early. Maybe he went over to Phillip's, and they walked to school together. He didn't tell me, and I shouldn't have cared, but I kind of did. 

I grab my bag, and walk out the door. When I got down to the first floor, Larry and Todd were talking with Terrance. I walk over to them, and Terrance's face brightens more than it was before. 

"Hey Sal! Who was that boy that came and asked where you stayed?" He looks over at me and so does Larry and Todd.

My whole face goes beet red. "Oh." I struggle to sound as casual as possible. "Phillip? He was asking about something for a class he missed." 

Terrance nods and I let out a breath when Larry and Todd look away from me, and back to Terrance, which means that they believed me. Surprisingly. 

"Hey, I'm gonna get going first." I look at all of them and Terrance gives me a big smile and waves goodbye, so I start walking out of the apartments.


When I walked into the building, Travis gave me one look. Apologetic. Once he knew I saw him, he looked back towards Phillip, and didn't look at me again.

I let out a breath and walk over to my locker.

Ash was at her locker, and she glances over at me. "Where's the other 2?"

I shrug. "They were talking to Terrance, so I left before them." I watch her nod out of the corner of my eye.

Neither of us bother to say much to each other after that. And I was fine with that because I didn't feel like talking to anyone, anyways. I'm upset, because Travis actually saw my face. I know he said he didn't care but it still upset me.

I open my locker and a letter flutters out. I pick it up from the floor and carefully unfold it to not rip it.

Wanna skip with me and T? We'll wait for you at the bleachers for 5 mins when the 1st bell rings, if you want to skip.
     -The one and only, Phillip

I couldn't help but let out a laugh. Luckily, nobody heard it since they would try to read the letter. I crumple it up and toss it into the trash.

For the next 2 minutes I acted like I was digging in my locker for something incase any of my friends wanted to walk to class with me or some shit.

Once the first bell finally rings I slam my locker shut and walk out the side doors that lead to the football field and bleachers.


Travis and Phillip both turn to my voice. Phillip grins. I walk over to them, and Phillip wraps his arm around my shoulder. I glare at him and shove his arm off of me. 

"Stop acting gay, or I'll actually go to class." Travis sneers and starts walking off. I glance over at Phillip, and he shrugs. 

We both start following after Travis, having to jog a bit to even keep up with him. 

"Where are we even going?" I look between Travis and Phillip, though Travis was in front of us. He didn't say anything, he just kept walking.

Phillip clears his throat. "Travis?"

Travis slows down a bit, but still says nothing. Phillip and I share another glance towards each other. I couldn't help but wonder if he was being like this because I was here. 

Phillip decides to break the silence again, but instead he doesn't include Travis. "Hey, so I heard you have a new roommate." He playfully nudges me, and I nudge him back. 

"I guess. I wish I knew where we were going." 

Phillip and I start looking around and realize that we were following Travis in the woods. We both decide not to ask him anymore questions and to just follow him wherever he takes us. 

When we look around again we realize where Travis took us. We were at the lake.

I haven't been at this lake for awhile. Last time it was during the summer with Larry, Ash, Neil, and Todd. Larry kept throwing Ash into the lake. She was pissed.

I watch as Travis walks over to the edge of the cliff and sit down. Phillip eyed me then walked off as if to walk around the lake.

I glare at his back, then I slowly drag my feet over to Travis.

I could tell something was on his mind, and I had an idea on what.

"You know I don't care, right?" Travis states, without looking at me.

By now I was sitting next to him looking out at the lake. "About w-"

Travis glances my way but he doesn't look at me directly. He looks at something behind me. "I'm not-" he takes a breath, then actually locks eyes with me. "I'm not freaked out from seeing your face or anything. I know it upset you, but I don't care. You're literally the only other person I have other than Phillip right now and-" he breaks away from me, and looks back at the lake. His voice gets softer. "And, I just.. I don't have anywhere else to go. So if you get upset with me it'll get all awkward then I'll feel like I should leave."

I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. I never knew this side of Travis Phelps. "I wouldn't force you to leave because I'm upset. I mean, yeah, I freaked when I realized you saw my face, but I do that when anyone does." I let out a laugh. "It's a natural reaction of mine."

I see Travis slightly grin. "So, we're cool?"

I shove Travis and nod. "Yeah. Unless you do something to piss me off."

Travis rolls his eyes and bumps into me. "I'm good at that." He grins, and I quickly realize he just flirted with me.

"Fuck you." Love you, tooWhere stories live. Discover now