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"Look at that freak!" I turn around and some girl was laughing at me. "Ew!! It stared at me!!" Some guy started walking towards me then before I knew it, I was on the ground. 

"Go die you freak. Nobody would miss you if you killed yourself." I knew he was right. I've always known he was right. 

"Look, he's crying!" The girl burst out into laughter. The guy started laughing too. 

"Goddamn freak. If I could kill you and get away with it, I would." He snickered and turned around to the girl. They walked away laughing.

I jolt awake. Larry was still up. "Hey- Hey- Are you crying?" He stood up and walked over to me.

"Shit- Sorry." 

"Was it bad?"

"That's the thing, it was just people bullying me."

"Like bad?"

"They said I should kill myself."

"..I'm sorry." Larry gently pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back. The tears continued to fall, and I don't know why. I've had that dream before and I've never cried once I woke up. 

After a few minutes of silence, Larry spoke. "You know you're good enough, right?"

I chuckled. "Yes."

"Good, I don't know what I'd do without you, Sally Face."

"I don't know what I'd do without you either, Larry Face." 

Larry continued to hug me, and I listened to the faint Sanity's Fall in the background. Then I slowly drifted back to sleep.


 "Did you even sleep last night?" I glanced at Larry and took a drink of water. 

"Mm... No." He grinned and took a drink of coffee. 

I roll my eye. "You're fucking dumb."

"I know."

Larry sighs. "I don't want to go to school."

"Neither do I."

We both said at the same time, "It's bologna day." 


Larry and I walk into the building, without Todd, since he left and didn't bother to wait for us, for some weird reason. I watched as Larry brightens up when he spots Ash. I chuckle and shove him towards her. He says something under his breath, and I shrug it off. 

I spot who I'm looking for and walk over to him.


Phillip turns awkwardly smiles. "Hi?"

"Sorry, I know we don't talk often but your friends with Travis, right?"

Phillip slowly nods, "Yeah."

"Do you know what was up with him yesterday?"

Phillip stops to think. "Uhm... Shit- Yesterday was the 11th, right?" 


"It was his birthday on Monday. I forgot to say happy birthday."

"Would he cry if you didn't say that?"

Phillip pauses. "No.. Why?"

"I could tell he recently cried yesterday, his eyes were all puffy and red."

"...Ah.. His mom passed away on his birthday."

"Shit, really?"

"Yeah.. I probably shouldn't have told you that since he hates you and everything, but yeah." 

"I won't say anything to anyone. That's horrible."

"Yeah, he doesn't ever really talk about it. But I know it still hurts him, he found her."

My heart dropped. "Oh shit."

"Sorry, I really need to stop talking. Travis will kill me if he knows I told you this. Please don't say anything to anyone. He has it hard enough as is." 

I nod. I wanted to ask what he meant by "hard enough as is." but by the time I wanted to ask Phillip was already walking away. I hope I get to ask him some other time because now I'm curious. 

I walk over to my locker and grab my math book. By the time I got to class the bell already rang and I was late, since I was figuring out more of Travis. Speaking of, I saw Travis near the back of the class, and he was looking out the window. Todd was already sitting in his seat, of course. 

"Hey, why did you leave so early?"

"I had to help Mr. Samuel with something."

"The science teacher?"

"Yeah. I had to help him put something together for some science lesson." 



I found myself looking at Travis in every class I had with him. That was most of my classes. Since I only have 2 classes without Travis. Sometimes he would catch me staring and he would get pissed.

I look for Larry and he was already gone. I sigh and open my locker. Then it got slammed shut. 

"Why the fuck did you keep staring at me, you fag!" 

I stand there awkwardly, not being able to look at him now.

"Speak up, Sally Facee!" 

I hate how he says my nickname like that.


"Don't fucking lie."

I decide to stare Travis in the eyes. "Leave me alone, Phelps."

"Why should I, Fisher?"

He gets closer to me and stares down at me. Honestly it was intimidating. 

"Can you back up?"

Travis shoves me into a locker. I hit my head against it.

"There, is that enough space, fag?" 

I sigh. "Listen, I'm not going to fight with you because it's not going to go anywhere, and because I know there is probably a reason, you're like this." 

Travis scoffs. "You don't know shit about me, Fisher." 

I try to walk back towards my locker and Travis slams me back into the lockers.

"Fuck you, Fisher." He glares at me then stomps away. 

I rub the back of my head, and I struggle to open my locker again. My head is pounding. I shove my book into the locker and grab my bag, slumping it over my body. I hold my head as I walk out of the building and towards the apartments. 

"Fuck you." Love you, tooWhere stories live. Discover now