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I glance at the time, and it reads 3:14. It's been 2 minutes since I last checked what time it was. I tried to talk to Larry through the walkie talkie, but he didn't answer, so I'm just staring up at the ceiling in complete darkness. The only sounds I hear are the sounds of Gizmo slightly purring and the trees rustling outside. For all I know Larry could have just been out smoking and that's why he didn't answer the walkie talkie, but I didn't really feel like trying again just in case he was sleeping. I sit up, tired of staring at literally nothing. Gizmo was still sound asleep, and I don't even know if my dad is home or not. I grab my prosthetic and glass eye then I walk into the bathroom. 


By the time I was ready to go on a walk to wherever I was walking, it was 3:45. I walk out of my apartment and towards the elevator. The apartments were always so quiet at night. Which was to be expected, since its night, but it's always so unusual. I walk into the elevator and press the bottom floor button which so many people have pressed it that there isn't even a one on it anymore because it's so warned out. The elevator dings, and I listen to the shitty music that Todd hacked into the system, and I couldn't help but grin when the elevator finally dinged to life again and opened. I walk out of the apartments, and I'm instantly hit with the chilly night air. 

In all honesty, if going to school during the night was an option, I would take it. Because for one, I can't even sleep half the time in the night, and two, because the night is so much more calming than the day. I wonder if Phillip is still up. I shrug, knowing that he probably isn't.

 I was so caught up thinking about night school that I didn't even realize I was standing in front of Travis Phelp's house. His house wasn't by the church, surprisingly. It was actually a few blocks away from the church. It wasn't on the same street as the apartments, but it was close enough to the apartments that we always walk past it. We never would see Travis walking in front of us or behind us because we always leave like 10 minutes after school gets out. His house was oddly calming. I was tempted to sit down on the sidewalk and just stare at it. I turn around and notice a small park and I decide to walk over to it. There was a swing set. Once, I shoved Larry off a swing and I thought Ash was going to die early because she was laughing so hard. Todd and Neil were doing their own thing on the other swings. I sit down on the swing and stare at the house. Knowing Travis lived there intrigued me for some odd reason. It's not like me and Travis are even friends but knowing he's there a weird feeling for me. I couldn't help but wonder if he was awake. I pull back on the swing then lift my feet up. I used to get made fun of in 5th grade because I couldn't touch the bottom of the floor still when on a swing. But they made fun of me for a lot of other shit too. Larry always asks me how I can deal with Travis bullying me, and I tell him it's because to me, Travis is like a pesky little fly compared to the other shit I've dealt with before. I almost drowned once because someone shoved my face into a toilet. Then there was the time I almost got beat to death-


I freeze, then slowly turn to where the voice came from.

My eyebrows raise in shock. Travis Phelps, was sitting next to me on the swings. "Holy shit- Hey?"

He rolls his eyes and starts to swing with me. "I saw you standing outside my house through the bathroom window."

I flinch. "Oh. Sorry, that was weird, wasn't it."


We awkwardly swing on the swing set for quite a while. Neither of us said a word. 

But finally, Travis decided to break the silence. "So, what are you doing in front of my house at 4 in the morning?"

I couldn't help but chuckle. I look over at him and the only thing I could see was his blonde hair in the moonlight. "Well, I couldn't sleep, so I was just walking. And, it's not like I purposely walked to your house, since the apartments are close to your house and all." 

Travis snorts. "Okay, Fisher. Whatever makes you feel better. I couldn't sleep either."

I nod, even though he wasn't even looking at me. "I'm not lying, I was just, walking."

Travis actually laughs. "Yeah, you've said that." 

If I could hit him, I would. "I hate you."

Travis stopped using his legs to swing and slowly let the momentum slow down to a stop. "I hated you first." He actually looks at me. I stopped swinging too. So, I looked over at him, too. "I'll always hate you." He stands up, and so do I.

"Okay, Travis. I'll remember that." 

Travis starts walking back to his house, and he turns to flip me off. "Fuck you, Fisher." I could see his stupid grin from here, even in the dark. 

"Fuck you too, dumbass." I flip him back off, and he turns around to go back home. 

"Fuck you." Love you, tooWhere stories live. Discover now