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That was the first time I've ever had a conversation with Travis. Yeah, it was mostly just him telling me to fuck off, but it was a conversation. I can't stop thinking about it. It ended brief, because of me, but it still happened. I never thought Travis was capable of talking to me unless it was him bullying me. Whenever I try to think about something else, my mind drifts back to Travis. I don't know why.

"Are you going to be in bed all day?" Larry barges into my room and stares at me.

"I don't know. No?"

Larry looks at my messy hair and crosses his arms. "Get up then."

I groan and stay in bed. "Do I have to get up now?"

Larry nods, and grabs my hand to drag me out of bed. "Okay! Okay! I'm getting up. Jeez."

I toss the covers off of me and get out of bed. Larry grins and walks out of my room and into the kitchen.

"You seriously don't have any food in here."

I grab the cup with my glass eye in it and walk out of my bedroom, too. "Yep. That's what happens when you're dad is gone half the time and the other half is asleep somewhere because he's so knocked up."

Larry shuts the fridge and watches as I walk into the bathroom to put my glass eye in my empty socket.

"Ash is coming over later."


Larry walks over to where Gizmo is and pets him. I walk back out, one fake eye and real eye in my face.

"I always wonder what it's like to see with two eyes."

Larry laughs. "I always wonder what it's like to see with one eye!"

I glare at him and put the glass back in my bedroom. I walk back out and sit down on the couch next to Larry.

"In short, seeing with one eye sucks."

Larry ruffles my already messy hair. "You should leave your hair down today."

"I planned on it. I don't want to fix it today." Once, Ash braided my hair. She wanted to braid Larry's, but he didn't let her. I looked like a girl, but she made me keep it in for a day and when I took it out my hair was wavy, so that's cool. I didn't know having braided hair could do that.

"When's your dad going to be back anyway?"

I let out a laugh. "Fuck if I know. I'm surprised he hasn't got arrested for drunk driving or some shit."

Larry laughs with me. "Yeah."


By the time Ash came over we were out in the treehouse with Todd.

"Sal? Larry?" Ash shouts from somewhere below us.

I poke my head out the window and wave. "Hey Ash!" She looks up and grins, then runs over to the treehouse to climb up.

"Hey guys." She says, once she climbed up the ladder. "Hey Todd, didn't know you were hanging out with us today!"

Todd nods. "Neil might come over later, too." He beams.

Ash sits down next to me on a beanbag and listens to Sanity's Fall playing in the background. "You left your hair down." She looks at me and I nod.

"Yeah. I didn't feel like doing anything with it. I haven't even showered yet."

"Neither have I!"

Ash rolls her eyes. "That's not surprising, Larry."

A grin grows across Larry's face. "Shut up Ashley!"

Ash picks something up and throws it at Larry's head. "Don't call me Ashley!"

I smile and Todd laughs. Larry said her actual name again and she gets up and kicks him. "I'm going to kill you!"

Larry yelps and covers his face. "I'm sorry!!"

"You should be asshole!!" She kicks him again.

I glance outside and I watch as the trees blow in the wind. I couldn't stop my mind from wondering what Travis is doing. I look out and I see Neil standing outside, looking up at the treehouse. Once he realized I saw him he shouted up to us. 

"Hey! I brought some food over if you guys are hungry!" He waves up at me and I wave back. 

"Is that Neil?" Todd walks over to the window, and I watch as a smile grows on his face. He quickly moves to the ladder and he's the first one down. 

Larry follows, then Ash, then me. My hair instantly hits me in the face once I touch the ground. Larry laughs at me. 

"I will have Ash kick you again."


Todd and Neil were all cuddled next to each other, and Ash and Larry are playing Mario Kart, and I'm sitting on Larry's bed. 

"So, Ash, how's you and Phillip?" I grin, raising a brow that I don't really have. 

"He was going to come over, but he said something came up. Well, actually, he said someone showed up." She shrugs. "He didn't say who, though. He promised me it wasn't a girl though."

Larry scoffs. "And you believe him?" 

Before Ash answers, I butt in. "I believe him. I think I know who it was."

Larry pauses the game then turns to look at me. "Well, who is it?"

I shake my head. "You'd tell Ash to dump Phillip if I do."

"I already want her to dump him."

"What?!" Ash shoves Larry and he laughs.

"I was kidding!" 

Ash shoves her foot in Larry's face. "I was kidding too." 

Larry gags, and Neil laughs. We start laughing with him. Except for Larry. He didn't think it was very funny.

"Fuck you." Love you, tooWhere stories live. Discover now