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"Is Henry still gone?" Larry glanced at me while he opens his locker.

"Yeah, why?"

"Want to come over for dinner tonight? Ma made lasagna. She knows you like it." Larry smiles.

I smile back. "Sure, I'll probably end up staying over since I'm too lazy to go back up to my apartment."

Larry nodded, "That's fine, you can use my cologne this time!"

I roll my eye and close my locker. I turn and watch as Travis walks past me and doesn't bother to say anything mean to me. "That's weird."

Larry turns to look at Travis then back to me. "What?"

"He didn't shove me and tell me to move, he always does that."

Larry barked out a laugh. "Wouldn't you be glad he didn't do that?"

I shrug. "Yeah."

I couldn't help but wonder why he didn't do it. Yeah, I'm glad he didn't, because it is kind of annoying, but he does it all the time. Everyday. It was weird that he didn't shove me.

We walk to science, and I glance at Travis. His eyes were red, and his hair was an absolute mess. He looked like he got out of bed and didn't bother to do anything with his hair. Like something I'd do. I've never seen him look so, bad. I honestly couldn't help but feel a bit bad for him. I always feel bad for him though, because we don't know what it's like for him at home. Obviously, it's not that good. Larry and I sit at our usual spot in the middle of the class. He opens his art journal and I roll my eye.




"You're drawing tits."


"Oh my god, Larry." I shake my head and open my science textbook. "I hope the teacher sees that and you get sent to the office."

"Rude, I think it looks amazing. Plus, I've already been sent to the office today because of it."

I can't help but laugh. "And they let you keep it?"

"Surprisingly, yeah. They probably liked it." Larry grins.

I smile even though he can't tell unless he looks at my eyes. "I still hope you get sent to the office again."


I grab the bag of cat food and pour some into Gizmo's bowl. "I'll be back after school, Giz, you can watch the tv or bathe while I'm gone." I grin and walk out of the apartment. I walk over to the elevator, and I wait for it to come up to the 4th floor. Finally, I walk in and insert the basement keycard.

"Hey Sal! Food is almost done." Lisa smiles and I take my prosthetic off and smile back.

"Thanks Lisa, thanks for making this for me."

She ruffles my hair as I walk by. "Anything for my second son!"

I chuckle and walk into Larry's room. "Hey dipshit."

Larry looks over at me and grumbles something under his breath. "You're always so rude to me."

"I know, it's fun."

"Wow! Rude."

"You love me though." I grin.

Larry snickers. "You might think I do, but I don't. I act like I do for my mother's sake."

"Lie all you want, Larry, I know the truth is that you love me."

Larry grabs a pillow and slams it on my head.

"You little shit-"

"Actually, I'm big shit, you're little shit." Larry laughs and hits me on the head again.

I grab one of his pillows and I smack him back. "I hate you!"

"I hate you too, little shit!"

Lisa opens the door and almost gets hit with a flying pillow coming from Larry.


"...Dinner is ready... You don't get any seconds, Larbear." Lisa smiles and walks back out of the room.

"WOW!! It was an accident Ma!"

"It still happened."

Larry groans and walks out of the room, and I follow. Lisa already had the table set for us and we all sat down.

"Hey, Larbear, can you get me a drink?" Lisa smiles.

"Hey Larry Beary, can you get me one too?" I snicker.

Larry glares at me and Lisa nods. He groans and gets back up to get us all a drink.

"Thanks son!" Lisa lets out a small laugh and I laugh with her.

Larry walks back and sets his and Lisa's down but slams mine down in front of me.

"Hey, you spilled some, can you get me a napkin to clean it up?" I grin and Larry stares at me.



"God damnit fine!" He turns around and stomps back into the kitchen to grab a napkin. He walks back and throws it at me. I laugh and clean up the water that Larry spilled on the table.


"Are you and Ash going to try it again?" I ask, and glance over at Larry on the floor.

"I don't know.. I think she's talking with Phillip right now."


"Yeah... She said she wants us to part ways for right now."

"Shit, sorry Larry."

"It's fine. As long as we're still friends I'm fine with that. If she wants to try it again later, I'm fine with that too. I just want her to be happy, you know?"

I nod. "I know. You're a good person Lar."

"I know I am."

"Alright fuck you."

"Love you too Sally face!"

"Thought you said you didn't?"

"Shut the fuck up."


"Fuck you." Love you, tooWhere stories live. Discover now