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When I finally got back to the apartments, at 4:55 in the morning, I actually plopped down into bed, forgetting to take out my glass eye and prosthetic, and without throwing my sweatshirt and jeans somewhere, I fell asleep. 

"Get, the fuck, out of bed!!" Larry literally pulled me out of bed, and I hit the ground with a loud thud. 

I cover my face and rub my head at the same time. "What the fuck!!"

"We have school, dumbass!" Larry shoved his foot into my face. 

"Double what the fuck?!?!" I revolt away from him and grab the side of my bed to get up. 

"Why are you dressed?" Larry looks at me in confusion, looking me up and down from my prosthetic and fake eye still being on, and my clothes still being on. 

"Oh." I shrug. "I forgot to take them off?" 

Larry shook his head. "That's not what you were wearing yesterday, but alright. I already gave Gizmo food and water, just so you know." He grins and walks out of my room. I shake my head and walk out after him. I walk into the bathroom and my hair was a literal rat's nest. 

"Holy shit." I say in disbelief, staring at my hair. Larry walks in with cold pizza in his hand. 

"Yeah, um, I was wondering about that." He snickers, pointing at all of my hair. 

I grab a brush and start to detangle it. 

"Must've been a good sleep." Larry couldn't stop laughing.

"I guess so." 


Travis acted like what happened last night never happened. Which I was fine with that. But it was a bit awkward since he still went out of his way to slam my locker shut or to shove me into lockers. Seeing and talking to Travis yesterday made me feel pretty calm, and happy. I guess I was just glad that he was finally starting to not hate me. 

Phillip glances at me, and when I didn't notice him glancing at me, he nudges me. "Hey so um, your boyfriend won't stop talking to me about you."

I flinch, and glance over at Phillip. Luckily, no one was listening to us since they were all talking to each other. "What?! He's not my boyfriend."

Phillip shrugs. "Okay, then your soon to be boyfriend."

I groan, but I know it's no use to fight with him. "Whatever. What do you mean, 'he won't stop talking to me about you'?" 

Phillip combs a hand through his hair. "I don't know, he just keeps talking to me about you."


Phillip shakes his head. "Nah, today and yesterday." 

I glare at him. "Because that makes a big difference!" 

Phillip laughs. "So, you do or don't want to know what he's been saying?"

"Fine, cuz it seems like you want to tell me."

"Yeah, so anyways, he's all like 'I kind of like Sal' and, 'Sal's pretty cool' and, 'I think Sal might become my friend' and so much more."

I've been really glad that I have a prosthetic lately. Because I couldn't help the smile that was growing on my face. "Huh. Cool." I tried my best to hide the smile out of my voice, and I think it worked.

"That's it?" Phillip groans. "I worked so hard on actually listening to his nonsense blabbering for you to just say, 'huh, cool." 

I laugh. "I guess so." I elbow him in the shoulder, and he gently shoves me. 

"I hate you." 

I grin. "Feelings are mutual." 


Larry closes his locker and walks over to me. "Do you wanna hang with us tonight?" 

I shrug. "Sure, I got nothing else to do, right?" 

Larry chuckles, and wraps an arm around my shoulder. "You ready to go yet, princess?"

I elbow him in the ribs and close my locker. "Go fuck yourself."


Todd walks over to us, and we leave together. Ash always left before us since she had to go and pick up her little brother, then watch him until their parents got home at 6. Of course, they pay her, not as much as an actual babysitter since that's the reason they don't actually have one, but they pay her enough for her to actually do it. 


"We've been listening to the same damn song for the past 20 minutes!" Ash groans, as the song starts over again. 

"So?? It's good!" Larry glares at her and she glares back. 

"Yeah, but we don't need to listen to it all night long!!!" 

They both slowly look over at me, and I instantly shake my head. "No. I'm not choosing between the two of you over this stupid shit." I continue to shake my head.

"It's a simple question, for a simple answer!" Larry says, and they both continue to stare at me. 

"Fuck no. I'm not answering this."

"Cmon Sall!" Larry grins.


Ash rolls her eyes. "Whatever." 

"So, we get to continue to listen to this, right?" Larry's grin widens.

"Fuck you." Ash crosses her arms and doesn't look at Larry. 

"Oh my god. I'm not dealing with you two drama queens." I shake my head and stand up. 

"You're leaving?" They both look at me in shock. "We were just joking!"

I comb a hand through my tangled hair. "Yeah, well, I don't feel like hanging out tonight anymore. Sorry. I just want to be alone for the rest of the night. Is that okay?"

Ash was the first to answer. "Yeah. That's fine Sal. If you want us to come up to cheer you up or something, Larry's one call away." She smiles, and I slightly give the smile back. My headache was pounding outside of my head. I turn to leave, and they both say bye to me behind me. It sounded like they were a mile away. 

"Fuck you." Love you, tooWhere stories live. Discover now