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"So... Not that you have to tell me or anything, but what does your dad do?" I glance over at Travis with curiosity in my eyes.

He lets out a laugh. "It's wonderful, really." Travis's smile fades. "He abuses me because he's a drunk asshole."

"... Huh. We're more alike than we thought." I lean back against the couch, and I watch Travis's every move. 

He doesn't meet my eyes. "What?"

"Sometimes my dad beats me when he's really drunk."

I raise a brow as Travis scoffs. "Sometimes? You're lucky it only happens sometimes." 

That's when it hits me. That's when I realize that Travis is saying it happens all the time. He looks away, towards the wall. 

"Even if you have a fucked-up face, I'd rather have your life than my own." Travis lets out a broken laugh. Then I realize he's crying. "Touch me and I'll beat your ass." He curls up into himself and doesn't move his head from the wall. 

I decide to move closer to him anyway. I slowly wrap my arm around him, and he tenses, but doesn't push away. He slowly unfolds from himself and moves his head towards me. "I have a fucked-up family, huh?" 

I watch as tears continue to fall down his face even though he knows I'm watching him. "Who doesn't?" 

Travis lets out a laugh and actually hugs me back. He rests his head on my shoulder, and he continues to cry into my shoulder. 

"This is pretty gay, Travis." I smile, and he couldn't hold back his laugh. 

"Fuck you. You know how long it's been since I've had a hug from someone?"

I could tell by the tone in his voice that that was a question he didn't want to actually be answered. So, we continue to hug for quite a while. 


"Sorry for uh, becoming a total mess in front of you." Travis suddenly says, and grabs another slice of pizza that we ordered 15 minutes ago. 

"It's fine. You needed to let it out." 

Travis glares at me. "We're never talking about my feelings again, Fisher." 

I laugh. "Sure." 

Travis throws a napkin at me. "I hate you."

"If you hated me you wouldn't be staying here." I watch as Travis rolls his eyes. His bruise on his eye looked just a tad bit better than the day before. It made me happy knowing it was healing.

"Do you're friends know I'm even staying here?" He looks over at me and we lock eyes, before he suddenly looks away.

"No, I don't want to explain that just yet." I shrug and look over at the random movie we picked to have on.

I watch Travis nod out of the corner of my eye. We both sit there in silence, just watching the random movie. It wasn't even very interesting. I couldn't even focus on it since the person I like is sitting right next to me, and staying in my home. I've tried to push the feelings away, to just be a friend for Travis to rely on, but they always find their way back. I can't even look at him without my heart speeding. I know I don't have a chance, since he's christian and all, but I just can't.

"You know I don't truly hate you. Yeah, I'm annoyed because you remind me of my mom, but I don't hate you. I never have. I thought I did, but I don't." He looks down at his hands and let's out a shaky breath. "You're a cool person, Sal. Weird friends or freaky face or not, you're cool."

My heart literally felt like it jumped out of my body. "So, you've never hated me?"

Travis shakes his head, still not meeting my eyes. He kept staring at his hands.

"Glad to know." I smile, and Travis just nods. I can tell he doesn't want to continue the conversation he started, so I stop talking and look back over at the shitty movie we picked.


"Why is your foot on my bed?"

Travis looks up at me from the floor. "What? My foot looks good."

I kick his foot off from my bed. "Fuck no it doesn't!" Travis then puts his foot back on the bed. "I'm going to murder you."

"I'd like to see you try, short stuff." Travis then puts his other foot on my bed.

I move to look down at him. "I don't need to see your nasty ass feet."

Travis raises a brow. "Yes you do, fag." Travis's face then changes. "You know your prosthetic is off, yes?"

I instantly move my face away, and I hear Travis moving below me. "Hey, I'm not going to judge you or anything." Next thing I know he's standing next to me.

I couldn't dare face him. "Your eyes are probably adjusted to the dark.." 

Travis scoffs behind me. "Listen, I seriously don't give a shit anymore. Yeah, I did see most of it, and I didn't laugh or anything. Did I?"

I continue to face away from Travis. I listen to him sigh, and sit back down. "Night." 

Then he doesn't say another word. 

"Fuck you." Love you, tooWhere stories live. Discover now