A Week Later:Friday

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I walk back into the apartment with groceries all over my arms and Travis is on the couch cuddling with Gizmo.

He glances at me and I felt my heart flutter at the sight of him. Oh my god.

Travis gently moves Gizmo and stands up and walks over to me to help.

"Why's there so much?" Travis stares at all the bags and grabs some off of me.

"Uhm, usually I get like 100 dollars a month to get groceries at the start of the month and that's what I have to make last for a month, sometimes a bit longer." I shrug, and set the bags down on the kitchen floor.

Travis nods, and sets down the other groceries. I've noticed that his hair has gotten just a bit longer, and he looks way more attractive without a bruise on his eye.

Travis clears his throat, noticing that I'm staring.

"Huh?" I blink and he laughs.

"You have a staring problem." He shakes his head and walks out of the kitchen, then plops back down on the couch with Gizmo.

My face flushes, but I force myself to walk over to Travis.

"When are you going to tell your friends?" Travis gently pets Gizmo, and glances up at me at the end of the couch.

I shrug. "I don't even know how to bring it up. 'Hey so, guess what?!? I have Travis Phelps living in my apartment, he's been living with me for almost 2 weeks!' I don't think so."

Travis laughs. I struggle to not laugh with him.

"Just invite them over or something."

I glare at him. "Really. That's your idea?"

Travis kicks me with his foot. "Like yours is any better! Dumbass!"

I throw a pillow at him. "You're a dumbass!"

He catches the pillow with his hand and throws it back over at me. I grumble under my breath and hold the pillow.

"What was that?" He grins, and I glare at him.


Travis raises an eyebrow, moves Gizmo again, then sits up and looks at me.

"Getting a little pink there, Fisher."

I cover my face with the pillow and Travis starts laughing.

"That's not funny!" I grumble.

He grabs the pillow and forces it down. "Want to know something?" He was still smiling, still staring at me.

"... What?" I struggle to keep contact with him.

"I know you like me."

My heart drops. "What?"

Travis nods. "I've known for awhile.

Somehow, if possible, my heart dropped down more. I was scared for what he was going to say to that. I couldn't manage to form any words just to force them out of my mouth. I was completely shocked and a bit scared.

I think Travis realized this. "It's not like I'm going to hate you or anything." He quickly said. Then he added, "I was a bit shocked when I found out myself, I was going to wait until you told me yourself but it's been eating away at me.

"You're a great friend Sal and you were nice enough to let me stay with you for as long as I wanted. You even promised not to tell your closest friends. You've made me quite more emotional too." Travis laughs.

I stare at him, now a bit confused. "What are you saying?"

He lifts my chin so that we were completely looking at only each other. "I'm saying, give me some time. Because-"

We both flinch at someone pounding on the door. "Sally face!!! It's Larry! Well, and Ash, Todd, Neil."

Travis's eyes narrow, and he lets out a deep sigh. His hand slips away from my chin and I couldn't help but be a bit sad from his touch leaving.

"Sorry, but, I'll be back later. I don't really want to see them right now." He stands up, grabs his sweatshirt that he had off when he was cuddling with Gizmo, tugs it back on, then he gives me one last look.

His mouth opens, then closes. I could tell he was thinking.

"We're finishing this later. No excuses. Except for right now." I spoke before Travis could think of something to say. I was too curious to know what he was going to say. Even though I think I may know.

He simply nods, then he walks towards the front door.

"Have fun explaining what happens next, Fisher." A grin grows on his face but disappears as he opens the door and is faced with my friends.

I hear them all gasp from the couch, and I watch as Travis squeezes through them and disappears. I felt a bit sad knowing he won't be back for a while.

They all slowly look at me in disbelief. 

Larry was the first to speak up. I could see a tint of anger in his brown eyes. "Did Travis Phelps just walk out of your apartment...?"

I nod, not caring about keeping it from them anymore. They were bound to find out soon enough anyways. Today was the day.

They all awkwardly walk in and sit down in the living room where I was. 

"So, why was he here?" Ash looks at me, also realizing that I have my prosthetic off. "Wait- You had him over, and your prosthetic off?"

I nod, again. I take a minute to speak. They were all staring at me, and it was kind of uncomfortable. "He... Uhm-He lives here." I decide to be straight forward with it. Rip the band-aid off fast, not slow.

Neil was the first to speak. "I thought you hated him?"

I let out an uncomfortable laugh. This was the first time I've ever been uncomfortable around them. "No. Larry hates him, Travis hated me. Travis hated everyone though."

Neil nods, showing me, he's listening. "So, why'd he come here?"

I let out a sigh, realizing that I'm going to be explaining this shit for a long time. "Okay, so...." 

"Fuck you." Love you, tooWhere stories live. Discover now