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"Ash what are you doing after school?" Larry glances at Ash and she shrugs.

"I was going to be babysitting my little brother but my parents are going to be home so I don't have to." She grins.

Larry nods. "Want to come over? Sal you can come too if you want."

I give Larry a thumbs up and open my locker.

"Sure, will Todd want to come?"

Larry pauses to think. "I think he's going out with Neil tonight."

Ash giggles. "They're perfect for each other!"

Larry rolls his eyes. "Yeah yeah, you ready Sal?"

I nod and close my locker. I didn't bother to tell them about what happened yesterday with Travis. I almost passed out when I got home because my head was pounding so bad. The good thing is that I didn't pass out. They would've literally murdered Travis if they knew he did that, and that it caused me to pass out.

We walk out of the school and start walking towards Addison apartments.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a familiar blonde with brown skin. I didn't even realize I was smiling. Why the fuck was I smiling? I'm glad that I have a prosthetic and Larry and Ash can't see me smiling at Travis Phelps. Oh my god what is wrong with me?

"What do you think, Sal?"

Ash asking me a question broke me out of my fucking Travis-trance. "Hm? Sorry, what was the question?"

"Do you think Larry should try and date someone?"

I shrug. "Only if it makes him happy. It's up to him, not us."

Larry snickers. "See? If I don't want to date someone, I don't have to!"

Ash mumbles under her breath and sighs. "Whatever, you two are lame!"

"Yeah well, you both are more lame than me because you don't have a prosthetic." I grin even though they can't tell.

"Shut up." Larry rolls his eyes.


"Hey, Ash, like my drawing?" Larry smiles and shows Ash his tit drawing.

"You're so immature."

"What?! It's the beauty in natural body!"

Ash couldn't help but laugh. "Okay Larry."

Larry threw a piece of paper at Ash.

Ash glares at him and I laugh. "Ash, want to play Mario Kart?" 

A smile grows across her face. "Of course! Get over here!" 

I get off of Larry's bed and plop down into the beanbag next to Ash. She hands me the controller and I smile. 

"When is the pizza going to be here?" I groan.

"I don't know! Stop being so hungry, Sal!" 

I chuck the piece of paper Larry threw at Ash, back at him. 

"You're always so rude!" 

I grin as the game loads in. 


"..Larry.. Did you put fucking pineapples on this pizza?!"


Ash throws a pineapple at Larry. "What's this, then?!?"

"Dog shit?"

"Larry Johnson!!!" Ash groans and throws another piece of warm pineapple at Larry.

"Stop throwing pineapple at me!" He picks one up and eats it.

"You know I hate pineapple pizza!!"


I struggle to hold in my laughter as I listen to the two bicker back and forth over the pineapple in the pizza. I honestly didn't mind it that much. It was an interesting taste. I took another bite out of the pizza and a piece of pineapple fell out through my cheek.

"What the fuck Sal?!?!" Larry gags

"What? You act like I wanted that to happen."

Ash starts laughing uncontrollably. "Oh my god!" A tear fell down her cheek and she kept laughing. "I think I'm going to piss myself!"

I started laughing too, and I decided to throw the piece of pineapple that fell out, at Larry.

"Dude!" He gags again and stands up. "Stop!!"

Ash continued to laugh hysterically. I was laughing with her. We were on the floor laughing like two hyenas. 

"I hate pineapple now."

"G-Good!" Ash ruffles my hair and starts to calm down.

Larry glances at his pizza then gags. "I hate you guys too."

I snicker, "We hate you too!" 

Larry picks his plate up off the floor and walks out of the room to throw it away. I smile at him when he comes back. 

"You're picking that pineapple up." He stares at me and I shake my head.



It's been an hour since Ash left, I went up to my apartment earlier to grab clothes and to feed Giz, then I came back down. "Hey, Lar?"

Larry looks over at me from next to me. "Yeah?"

"Why do you think Travis hates me so much?"

Larry scoffs. "Why do you care? He's an insecure little bitch that just wants to make you feel bad because he's insecure."

I lean my head on Larry and shrug. "I don't think that's the reason, though."

Larry ruffles my hair and shakes his head. "Why do you even care why? It's probably some stupid reason anyways."

"..Maybe, I don't know, he just has so much hatred for me and I want to know why." 

"I get that, but it's not like he just hates you. Travis hates everyone. He's hated me since Elementary."

"Yeah, but did he hate you when he first met you?"

"Uhm, actually, I don't know. Ma says we used to be friends now that I think about it."

"Does he hate me because I'm friends with you?"

"Nah. Like I said he hated me before you moved here."

"Huh. Whys he hate me so much then?"

"I don't know man. I get that you're curious, but I hate talking about that prick."

I laugh and stare at the movie that Larry put on for background noise. 

"I love you, Lar."

"I love you too, Sally." 

"Fuck you." Love you, tooWhere stories live. Discover now