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My eyelids flutter open, and I look at the alarm clock on my nightstand. It takes a moment to actually see it, but when I can actually read it, it reads 11. I quickly sit up and I instantly flinch in pain. I look around and Travis is nowhere to be found. My clothes are somehow near my tv. I throw my bare legs out from the covers, and I try to stand. 

My legs tremble, and I hold on to the nightstand for dear life. I slowly wobble over to my dresser, and I grab clothes to put on. It takes 10 minutes to do that.

I wobble out the bedroom and I instantly freeze. I have to hold on to the door frame so that I don't fall over on my ass. 

Everyone was here. Travis. Phillip. Larry. Todd. Neil. Ash. I want to retreat back into the bedroom, but Travis already saw me. A smirk is visible on his face. 

He walks over to me from the living room and whispers into my ear, "Don't want them knowing yet, do you?" He snickers, dragging me over to everyone. 

My ass instantly hurt when Travis shoved me onto the couch. There are two open pizza boxes on the floor. 

Phillip looks at me and his eyebrows raise. He then looks from me to Travis. He knew. Of course, he knew. I cover my face and groan.

"You alright, Salio?" Neil gently nudges me from next to me. I groan again. 

"Mhm... Just tired, still." I didn't even bother to put on my prosthetic, so now Phillip also knows what I look like without it. I don't even care about that at the moment.

I angrily glare at Travis, and he raises a brow. "What? They wanted to hang out and they were all already here, so I let them in." His stupid grin was still on his face.

"I hate you..." I comb a hand through my messy hair, and it doesn't go far. 

Larry looks at me, then Travis. "You two act like you have your own little secret world over there." 

I flush, covering my face again. 

"Yeah, Sal." Phillip teases.

"Go suck a dick, Phillip!" I groan. 

"Like you h-"

I chuck a pillow at Phillip's face. "I swear to god!" 

He laughs, holding the pillow in his hands.

Ash raises a brow. "You told us everything yesterday, but I still feel like I'm missing a lot."

Larry nods. Todd and Neil didn't really even care since they were all cuddled up together. 

"I'm going for a walk!" I huff, and quickly stand up. That was a bad idea. As quickly as I stood up, I fell back down. "...Goddamnit."

Todd finally looks over at me. "You're acting as if you just had sex."

I flinch.

Travis looks at the wall.

Phillip bursts out into laughter.

Both Ash and Larry figure it out.

"That walk sounds mighty nice right now!" Travis starts walking away and I glare at him. 

"Leave and I'll beat your ass."

"You can't even stand?"

I flip him off and he smiles. "If I can't leave, neither can you."

"But I can walk."

"Okay, shut up for a moment. Sal! You failed to mention the part where you and Travis were-"

I turn my stare to Ash. "It just happened!" 

She flinches at the sudden raise in my voice, but nods a laugh escaping her lips. "I see, well, Larry looks like he's seeing stars over there." She continues to laugh, pointing at Larry.

I look over at Larry and I can see almost every emotion in his eyes. Confusion, hurt, anger, more confusion.

Then a small smile grows on his face. "Whatever makes you happy, little shit." 

I roll my eye and chuck a pineapple chunk at him. "Surprised you got pineapple pizza."

He instantly gags. "You know what! That walk does sound nice!" He gets up and walks out of the apartment. Ash and I start laughing. 

I flinch when I feel arms wrap around me. I turn to see Travis. "What happened to thinking about it?"

He rolls his eyes, looking down at me. "I changed my mind." 

I lean my head back on the couch to stare up at him. "You seriously look better without a bruise."

"Are you saying that I was ugly with one?"

I shake my head, smiling. "No..." 

Travis flicks my head and I glare at him. He smiles and rests his forehead on my head. I look to see if anyone is watching, but Phillip is messing with Ash's hair, and Todd and Neil are doing their own thing. Larry probably left to go have a smoke and he'd probably be back in 10 minutes. Travis moves his head down to my ear to whisper into it.

"Sorry if you didn't want your friends to know so soon." 

I let out a small laugh. "I don't care, if you don't. I'm happy with you, Trav."

"...Fuck you." I can tell he's smiling from how he said it.

"Love you too."

I know that this one was different compared to all the other stories I've ever written on here, which shows my writing progress has gotten way better, and that I just wanted to try something different. If you liked the longer parts and how it was wrote, I'm glad since I'm probably going to write like this from now on out. I'm kind of out of salvis ideas rn, kinda debating on trying a creepypasta story or smth else. Idk yet, give me ideas maybe? I could also do a Y/n x Sal or Larry x y/n maybe
I just wanted to say, Miguel O'hara is SMOKING HOT(ifykyk) 😍

"Fuck you." Love you, tooWhere stories live. Discover now