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I wake to the faint sound of knocking on the door, and Gizmo jumping on me, then jumping off the bed and out the room. "Fucking Christ Gizmo!" I groan, rubbing my side. 

I groan again when I look at the time and it was 1 am. I literally roll off of the bed, grab my prosthetic, and I take a few minutes to actually put it on, since I kept missing the straps or it wouldn't buckle to my head. My glass eye was still in my socket since I forgot to take it out, and by the time I get to the door I was already used to the darkness.

I swing the door open, half expecting it to be Larry or Ash, not expecting it to be someone else. 

"... Been a while, hasn't it?"

I freeze at the taller boy in front of me. His voice was shaky, and deep, like he's been sobbing, maybe even screaming. A bag was hunched over his body, his blonde hair a complete mess. The smile he gave me was weak, tired. 


"That's me."

I quickly move to the side to let him in, and I flick on the switch for the kitchen. It flickers to life, and the dim light lights the kitchen and most of the living room. 

I finally got a better look at him. His eyes were red, really red. And the back of his head, was just as red.

"Are you, bleeding?" I look at the back of his head, and he flinches.

"Am I?"

I carefully move his head to get a better look, and his head had been bleeding at one point. "Not anymore, wait, okay, so, what the fuck happened?"

Travis scratches the side of his head and doesn't meet my eyes. "I got kicked out." Tears started to form in his eyes again. "For good." 

My gaze softens instantly. "I'm sorry. You can stay here for as long as you need. Would you like to take a shower?"

Travis nods. "Please."

I walk him over to the bathroom, and open the door for him. "You can sleep on my bed, or the couch, whichever you prefer."

"Can I uh.. Sleep on the floor?"

I stare at him in confusion. "What?"

"Like.. Next to your bed? I don't really want to be alone right now... But I also don't want to talk about it." 

I nod, finally understanding what he means. "Yeah, that's fine. I'll go get some blankets and pillows." He nods, and walks into the bathroom, then shuts the door behind him. 


A bit later Travis walks into the bedroom, his hair basically covering his eyes. And being completely honest, it was kind of attractive. 

I watch as he combs a hand through his wet hair. "... Thanks for uh, letting me stay. I know that Phillip's parents are back and wouldn't let me stay, so, you were the only other person I thought of. After sitting on a swing for two hours." He shrugs and sits down on his sort of bed. 

I nod. "It's no problem, like I said, you can stay for as long as you want, or you can stay in general." 

Travis leans against my bed and we both listen to nothing. "Why are you so nice to me?" Travis glances at me, deciding to break the silence. 

"I could just tell there was a reason you were the way you were. I wanted to give you a chance, and I'm glad I did." 

Travis shakes his head and laughs. "You really do remind me of my mother."

"Is that supposed to be a compliment? What was she even like?"

Travis smiles. "She was nice. She was always patient with me. She cared for me and promised me something we both knew wasn't going to happen. But she was a good mom... Until she died."

Travis looks at a corner in my room. "She sounded nice. I'm sorry you had to go through that."

Travis then looks back at me, locking contact with me. "Hold on. How did you know about that?"

I flinch.



"Who told you?"


Travis narrowed his eyes. "Of course."

I let out a small laugh. "I wanted to know."


"Because, I was curious about you. I wanted to know more about you."

Travis scoffs. "I'm really not that interesting."

I shrug, and look at the corner that Travis was once looking at. "I think so." 

Travis lays back on his make-shift bed. "Of course, you would."

"What is that supposed to mean!?" 

Travis snickers. "Nothing."

I look down at him. "Hey so- If I like, take my prosthetic off, you won't like turn the light on while I'm sleeping to look at my face or anything, right?" 

Travis lets out a genuine laugh. "Just because you're curious about me doesn't mean I'm curious about you."


"Just shut the fuck up so I can sleep."

"Okay, sleeping beauty." I roll my eye, turn off the lamp, and take off my prosthetic and fake eye. 

I listen to Travis shuffle around for quite a while until I finally don't hear much movement anymore which means he's most likely asleep. I flip over on my side and slowly drift off to sleep, too. 

If anyone just saw what accidentally got published, no you didn't 😒

"Fuck you." Love you, tooWhere stories live. Discover now