Saturday Night

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I walk up the familiar front steps, and knock on the familiar front door. A while after, a familiar face opens the door.



He moves aside and lets me in. "Why're you here?"

"I got kicked out, for the weekend."

I watched as anger formed on Phillip's face. I walk in and set down my bag. "What the fuck is wrong with him!" 

I comb a hand through my hair, and I glance at him. "A lot. He tried to throw a bottle at my head.."

"What the fuck?!" Phillip stares at me in disgust. I slowly nod. I didn't let Phillip know that I have scars on my palms because of a beer bottle that was thrown at my head.

"I fucking hate him. I seriously wish I could do something Travis."

I stare Phillip in the eyes. "Let me stay here." 

Phillip opens his mouth, trying to say something, closes it, then opens it again. "I- Travis- You know I would if I could." He walks into the living room and sits down. 

Sadness surges through my body. I drag my feet over to the couch and I finally sit down next to him. "I know." 

Phillip sighs. "I'm sorry. I really am. You know how my parents are. They don't even know you're here right now since they're off on a business trip for the weekend. But you know if you stayed here, they would kick you out." 

I lean my head back on the head of the couch. "Yep. I know too fucking well, Phil."

"Maybe, if you didn't hate everyone in school, someone would help you. Let you stay with him-"

"Him?! Phillip you better not be fucking talking about who I think you are."

"I'm just saying-"

"I am not befriending Sal Fisher! Did you know that fag was trying to talk to me yesterday?!" 

Phillip glances at me and shakes his head. "No?" 

"...He would hate me as a roommate."

Phillip cocks his head and grins. "What does that mean?"

My hands go into tight fists, and I struggle to say what I don't want to say. "If, me and Fisher somehow become friends... I'll... I'll ask."

Phillip beams. "Really?!"

"... It's only to get away from father."

"Fuck you." Love you, tooWhere stories live. Discover now