Wednesday Night

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Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. I fucking hate Sal Fisher with all my heart. He makes me so mad. I can't explain it. Phillip has asks me all the time and you know what I say? He makes me mad and I just can't explain it. Nobody knows the true reason why I hate him so much. He reminds me of my mother. He reminds me of ho-

My thoughts were cut off by the front door slamming open. Instantly it reeked of alcohol more than before.

"You. You're the reason she's gone! You know that don't you?!?" He rushes up to me and throws me to the ground.

My throat closes and I struggle to breathe. Tears form in my eyes and I look up at him. He smirks.

"What a pathetic mistake. Fucking die already!" He throws a bottle at me and I cover my face with my hands. The bottle shatters and goes into my hands. A tear falls down my cheek. He snickers, walks over to me and punches me in the face.

"Fuck you." He mumbles something under his breath, walks away and slams his bedroom door.

Once the door shut I let all the tears fall. I was bleeding all over myself, my face felt like shit, and there was glass on the floor. After a while of sitting on the floor I slowly get up to clean the broken bottle. Before I clean the bottle I walk over the the sink to clean my hands off.

When they finally stopped bleeding I dry my hands off then clean the glass off of the floor. I dump the shards into the trash and let out a shaky sigh. Another tear falls down my face. I don't want to accept it, but I really want a fucking hug.

"Fuck you." Love you, tooWhere stories live. Discover now