The First Element Part 1

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New Manteau

Several weeks had passed since Liv left the home of Philippe, the beast tracker. During those weeks, she did several things to keep on her journey. She travelled only on roads that were not cordoned off. Roads that were not frequented much. She made sure she gathered more bandages, and healing tonics, save for the climbs on trees for fruits that were just out of reach. And she made sure she only hunted for food at night. There were lawmen that watched the country areas in certain cities like in Denbrook, Manteau and Airedale and they might see her. She had to be careful, climbing only in shadow instead of light. She learned by watching the citizens around her. When someone wanted to take something, they would wait until the person they wanted to take it from was distracted. As she did to a local merchant she had been watching during the week. The lifted beans, rice and fruit were paid back in a neatly sorted pack of coins.

This journey was her training for the first feats as it were. If she were use her full powers, she had to be ready, physically, mentally and emotionally. So, she found certain areas in Denbrook that were high enough from nosy neighbors but close enough she could see trouble. Every so often she would see a couple of thieves start something in the city square and then she'd take her sword to even things. The local merchants there thanked her and gave her a sampling of food and medicine. She used the free food as motivation for exercising and stretching her mind. This was a continuous mindset. Her mindset was to exercise everyday, look into the Hunter Guild's activities, engage in sword fighting tournaments, at the local arena.

The sword tournaments were fine to test her physical skills but she wanted to test her her mystical talents. When she would use her mystical powers to heal people in trouble, or to fix things back to where they were, she was amazed at how much it took to do that. And she always felt exhausted afterwards. In order to get to where she wasn't exhausted, she figured she needed training. But mystical arts training for an elf was not plentiful or cheap. She began to look in the local newspapers that happened to express some training in tournaments. Rarely did anyone advertise training in the mystical arts. It was banned in certain villages. That's why she nearly spit up in her hot sal (cocoa), she was drinking when she noticed a mystics training session available at a local Denbrook tournament in the newspaper. It said it was a one time only meeting for young elves seeking to learn.

It didn't say who the teacher was but they would be at the Hunter's Guild tournament. It cost nearly 50000 in myats. Myats were what the locals in Denbrook used. It would take nearly all her life to save up that many in myats, she thought. But in the King's gold coins just a couple of them would more than enough. As she opened her purse she grabbed the coins. Liv knew she had to get a training session in if she had any shot at meeting the legendary warrior elf. And she knew the tournaments were the one event that was seen by everyone in the Kingdom of Alynthia.

Local tournaments were sponsored by the local businessmen in Denbrook. Big dollars were placed on betting for and against opponents. Liv wasn't so crazy for the glitz and the glamour of the tournaments but it would help in letting people know where the sessions were. So she enlisted. The Hunter's Guild Tournament was attended to in an immediate fashion. It was held in a dome that could hold thousands of onlookers and supporters that thrilled for the unusual sights they would see and bringing in fresh moolah. These tournaments weren't easy to win. They were specialized for soldiers that wanted a challenge, that could dare step into the ring to challenge the King's best fighters, from the Hunter's Guild.

Olivia thought this was her best shot to train and if she won any money, she could help the towns that needed it after the beasts that laid waste to them. Liv walked through one of the entrances right before her. As she looked up, she noticed the snowy wet branches on the trees still condensed with snow. The city had gotten a welcome relief of the bitter winter weather for at least a few days. Citizens had flocked in to see who was at battle next in the arena. Olivia went with them as they hunkered down in the arena. Olivia knew she had to make a name for herself to appeal to her fans if she were to make any. When she got to the marketing agent who would announce her name, she was a little hesitant.

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