The King's Allegiance

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Leonidas Val Ostra Corsair

Meanwhile King Leonidas's armies were advancing slowly into the fortified Elven stronghold of Ishenora, as the winter cold rolled in. The Elven warriors from Ishenora didn't seem affected by the King's men. Leonidas's battle worn were having a hard time engaging and taking the Elven fleet down. It was not easy. Leonidas and his squad used their brandished swords to cut through the Elven defenses in trees, shrubbery and built armament. But it wasn't just swords they were using. They had automatic weaponry. They were used to cut down the Elves themselves. King Leonidas figured he had an edge and that he would use it whenever he could. He was helping lead them in the assault.

On the battlefield, Leonidas implored his soldiers to move forward. "Come on! We've got to strike while the iron is hot! They'll never get us if we lean into the offensive!" Just then a Dark Elven warrior came up from behind him and tried to grab him. He quickly shook him off and took his dagger and sliced at him. He missed but the elf quickly jumped away from him. His long, agile legs allowed him to jump high and out of reach. And it was into the above leafy and coniferous oak. "You can't evade me!" He yelled. He threw one of his blades into the leafy over brush.

He then listened. He quickly ran over to his tossed sword and grabbed it. Soon there was a sound overhead. He turned his ear in that direction. And when he did, he almost got his face sliced off. But he moved quickly out of the way. He was able to dodge most of his attacks being that he took fencing when he was in his teens. But it was with rules. No hitting below the chest. No cheap marks at the head or neck areas. The elf was taking off handed strikes. Trying to get the King off guard. The King knew he had to react quickly with his sword. And he did in according to fashion. The clang of the metal swords was about as loud as the fighting around them, but Leonidas could feel the strength of the one attacking him.

As the elf pressured him, he heard the elf grunt. The elf was young and quick, but his attacks were getting sloppy. Leonidas grinned. "Why do you press on, young one? You cannot hope to beat me." The elf gritted his teeth and leaned into his next swipe at him. The King moved back several paces into the wall that his builders had set up when they formed the blockade into the Elven city. "This is my home! No one will take me from my home. Not even you!" The young upstart in his fight surprised Leo with his opposition to him. But Leo knew that this boy was not the main threat to his throne. And he could be defeated.

"What you cannot recognize is that I have fought swordsmen faster and stronger than you, boy." He evaded his next two attacks. And slipped behind him in the boy's blind rage. The young adept didn't even see him when he punched him in the head, he hit his head against the bearing of the wall knocking him unconscious. King Leo went over and touched the boy, "Nice try. You remind me of myself when I was that age." The King messaged to one of his soldiers, "Find the medic, get him some new clothes and see to it that he gets admission to the Falls Court Fencing Academy in the Capitol." The soldier immediately replied, "Yes, sir. At once." He saluted and picked the boy up and then carried him off to the medical facility.

He sighed. "This war has taken something from me. I'm beginning to see why the last King left the Capitol all those years ago. Which means I've got to find their dastardly Elven leader, Firash."

The King knew his enemy lied deeper into the fabled city of Ishenora. But he knew it would take at least a couple of nights to get to the spired high-topped towers. He figured their King, and his warriors would be ready for him. He got on his horse and galloped through dusty side road and industrious street. But at every battle point he saw an Elven warrior standing there ready to challenge him. And he couldn't wait to oblige them. As the battle raged on in one of the highest peaks in the city, outside of them in the rich green forested areas were the true gems of the city. He could not imagine that Elven society could build cities like this.

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