The Imprisoned

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Back on the street, it was dark, and cold. Liv could hardly see in front of her. The jacket she was wearing started to tighten. She pulled the hood off her head so that she wouldn't be spotted. The downtown area had some lights near the venue but the trees in the area compensated for the less lit areas.

One of the guards that were trailing them yelled out, "Stop, we will find you! Don't make this harder on yourself!" said the guard.

He looked down at the dogs that were trained to hunt for wayward scoundrels. "They will help us find her." He took a device out of his pocket and allowed the dog to smell it. "There, get a good whiff, boy. That scent you smell is the blood of the last elf that dared to escape from us. Anytime you smell this, you attack. You hear me?" The blood hound barked. "Good boy. Now go!" It immediately points east of where he is.

The bloodhound took off down the road with the guards trailing it. Liv knew that she could not implement her leaping skills with a human. So she ran as fast she could with the teen panting his heart out. They ran past some alleyways until they arrived in a place that was unfamiliar to them. Both teens were almost exhausted after several minutes. "We need to move fast," she said. "Okay." "If they catch up to us, their dogs could rip us apart! My horse is just up the road. If we can reach her, we'll be able to escape into the burbs, closer to the mountain. Come on..." said Olivia. The teen was trying to keep up. He didn't have the long strides that Liv had.

But for Liv she always had bounds of energy even as a child. That's why she confounded the castle help for nights on end. The one thing they could say she was interested in life. They finally reached her horse, Silverheart. She helped the teen off the horse and then got off of it herself. And as they rode further out the city, the young Hunter's Guild member had to ask her one question, "Who are you? What's your name?" She looked back and answered, "Olivia Corsair, you can call me Liv." She stared at the teen. "You're...a part of that family!" He meant the royal elites at the palace. She sighed. "Yes." "Your family's been in the news..." replied Timoni. "My family has had influence through out the Kingdom, and the cities therein. But..." "That thing you did in the tournament, did you know you could do that? Or..." asked Tim.

"No, I don't know. That's what makes this crazy. I don't know how...wait let me rephrase that. I've always known I had have a special ability to calm. I did it for my stepmother all the time." said Olivia.

"So it's not all banquet dinners, and meeting guests at the door?"

She laughed. "I may have been born on Earth, but my bio- family was not born in this Kingdom. I was born elsewhere and I'm trying to find an answer to that." She said. "So what will you do?" asked the teen. "I hope I can find my ancestor who can tell me who I am." Pretty soon they were swiftly galloping outside of the city of Denbrook. "And who are you young sir?"said Olivia.

"Timone Sayers. Just call me Tim. They recruited me and then I wound up in the King's list of warriors to fight in the arena." Liv thought the teen was a little young to be in the tournament. "Yes, my brother was in the Regency when the Uruk fleets came through on the Northern border. Yeah. He didn't make it."

The Urukan fleet were a pretty formidable army. Olivia remembered the horrible looks on their faces when they had arrived from the 4Th Regiment overseas five years ago. Her father's grand army withstood the brash Urukan swordplay, in battle they were brutal using their teeth and huge, broad shoulders knocking their foes down on the ground.

The King's men were able to drive them back into the forest. It was the last battle the King's men had survived. But in the end they had left bloodied bodies on the battlefield. Most of his men were able to escape with help from some of his allies.

Some did not. "My condolences to you and your family. I was still in my preteens in the most fancy of schools still trying to figure out my life when the initial battles started."
The teen looked at her surprised, "You didn't hear how those savages attacked the villages of Mer-Ling and Sundust?"

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