The Wolf Conundrum Part 1

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 In the city of Denbrook...    

 Olivia Andrea Storm Corsair couldn't believe what she saw. There were beasts in the streets of Denbrook ahead of her. Frightened people running out of stores, and shops, miniature beasts running after them, spilling out onto the roads. The cat who was really a wizard told her to protect her family, but the denizens of Earth were her family too. She saw a scared child crying along a path near the riverbank. One of the beasts had cornered her. The growling beast pounded its fists into the ground. The ground shook. The child backed away. As the beast growled, the leaves on the tree next to it blew. Their parent was up the road scared to approach it. Liv knew she had to do something before things got worse. The beast appeared to smile and to lick its chops.

"Hey!" she screamed.

She ran over to where the child was. "Pick on someone your own size!"

The beast turned toward her and growled. Its huge frame blocked most of the sun's rays. It had muscles that heaved in front of her. It had four teeth that jutted out like knives in its mouth. It was dark blue with hair on top of its head. It also had shoulders with horns that gave an inkling to what it had been before. And its eyes shined like sparklers in the nearing sunset. Liv stood there in between the beast and the child and grabbed her blade and shoved it at the beast. The beast's menacing looks at her should have been enough to make her run, but she knew she couldn't. Not when this child needed her.

"Leave! Get out of here!" she told the child. The child was too frightened to move.

The beast slowly moved toward her with its mouth dripping with blood from a recent encounter. But she held that crystalline blade in her hand and didn't back down. As soon as the beast got close to the child, she waved threateningly towards it.

"...You don't want this child. It's not particularly good to eat. It's mealy and doesn't have much protein."

She figured she had to convince the beast that it was no good. To leave it alone. The otherworldly beast wasn't buying it. The beast swiped her with its left claw, Livi jumped back making sure the child was behind her. He was. He had his hand grabbed on to her back.

"It's going to be okay, sweetie. Nothing's going to hurt you. I... won't let it." The beast howled as the light from the sun's waning brilliance became darker as the tall trees hid the sunlight.

 They were away from the main hubbub of the city and its eyes started to glow red. Liv saw this change and knew it was time to act. She charged toward the beast and struck one of its paws with the green obsidian blade. That let out a yelp by the beast. The creature in turn struck the girl in the face. The girl fell down immediately towards the edge of the river. It tore at her dress in retaliation. Liv knew this was the one shot she could get at the wolf.

The wolf shook its head from the encounter. The wolf growled at her and carefully cornered her and then stepped on her feet.

"Ow! What do you want? One child is not worth all this!" The wolf appeared to grin at the child.

Saliva dripping from its mouth. It cackled shortly before it said "No, it is desserts."

Liv looked at him and then the child. She then understood.

"No!" She screamed.

The wolf beast sniffed her and then growled. He grabbed her. "You are an elf. This will be a delectable meal."

Just at that moment she heard a familiar sound. It was a gun shot. The wolf turned with the shot in his side. It yelped and moaned. The figure with the rifle stood there motionless in the dark. The wolf put his claws on the spot bleeding on the soil. Liv not believing what she saw moved toward the beast.

"Don't move! Not an inch!" The man yelled as he pointed the gun at the wolf.

She reflexively did as the pursuer told her to. The shadowed figure moved towards her into the light where she could see him.

"I have been tracking these things since they first appeared in the city. And I'm not letting them get away now."

He looked at the beast injured from the gunshot wound; it was bleeding profusely. It softly howled as it was in pain. The beast stared at him not knowing if he was going to shoot it again. He then took his bag and grabbed some cloth and liquid in a clear bottle to dab at the wound.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to clean the wound. And maybe if I can, it won't try to bite me."

"But you shot him!" yelled Olivia.

The wolf is lying there bowled over in pain.

"I know that!" yelled Phillipe.

Liv then grabbed the medicinal liquid away from their pursuer.

"Give me that!" he said.

"No! What are you doing here? I want to know."

"Trying to keep you from being eaten!" he said.

"I could have...stopped him." she said.

"Yeah, that was evident with the beast's pinning you down like it did. What were you doing going after an animal like this?"

Liv didn't believe he had a right to be so forward with her, but she wasn't in a mood to argue.

"If you hadn't noticed, the city's on alert. I found him going after a child and I was only defending myself."

"We have guards for that." replied Phillipe Gustav.

"Are you saying I can't defend myself? That I need some man so in love with himself that he feels he needs to..." 

"No, what I am saying is the guards would've cordoned off a section of the city from the main road. So, the child wouldn't have gotten this far." Even though he was upset at injured boy he still had an empathetic demeanor. Liv noticed that. 

He stared at the child with tears in his eyes. He took one of the strips of cloth and dabbed at the child's eyes.

"There you go, little guy."  

"Well, I'm sorry my methods aren't as exact as yours. I was just..." 

Then they heard the wolf howl. "You want to help? Place your hands on the cloth and hold it down."

He checked the wound where the bullet went through.

"Lucky for him, the bullet went through the side. Clean through. That means you can hold it without complications."

The girl knelt down to the wolf's rib cage and pressed the cloth adhesive to stop the bleeding. The tracker pushed the wolf up so that his head was functional. He wrapped the rest of the cloth bandage around the wolf several times to tighten it. And then wrapped it up with bandages.

"There that ought to do it."

"Wait." She spoke.

She put her hands on the wolf's forehead to feel his temperature. It felt cold. Then a healing energy flowed out of her. It was strange. Liv had never felt this energy before. But she did now. It was strong and consistent. And she touched its face and arms, rib cage and claws on its feet. The healing energy poured out of her into the wolf. After this she felt faint. The tracker had to grab her before she fell and leaned her on the side of a nearby tree. She fell asleep after that.

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