The Chimera Complication

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Olivia was sitting in the makeshift van next to Phillipe, the beast tracker, as they continued to drive out of the forest. Liv carefully weighed the situation before her. She had just met an otherworldly beast.

Liv wondered about what she saw several hours before. The elder wolves told them about their kind. And that she was a part of them. The tracker Phillipe Gustav couldn't believe it himself. The elder wolf Jostra acknowledged that she had part of their power within her. To Liv, these beasts were innately primal. They were not from Earth. They were from another world. And would react accordingly to their nature. This surprised her. Her mother somehow gave birth and left her here in the custody of supportive parents. But then these beasts come out of nowhere invading these lands. Why?

The van jostled and bustled as Phillipe drove nearer to the city. She looked at him intently wondering why he's helping her. And why she felt a warmness to him. He noticed this and smirked.

"Are you hungry? I know I am. If I can get myself a fire roasted molten mammoth in my mouth, that would hit the spot!" She stares at him.

"Yes, I know after going up against a few angry wolves, you might be a little hesitant. But be that as it may, I'm not letting that stop me. We still have a long way to go in our journey, princess, and it would do us a huge favor if we get a little food in our bellies, huh? What do you say?" asked Phillipe.

The tracker's persistent attitude towards her was a little unusual since all her life she had disliked anyone telling her what to do. But Olivia realized she hadn't eaten in a while, so she thought it was okay to break for a meal. She then heard a large rumble in her stomach.

Phillipe went back into his bag in the back and grabbed a small pack which housed a few nuts and berries. He handed it to her.

"What's that?" She asked.

"It'll help with the rumbles in your stomach. At least until we get where we're going." She took a handful and crunched some of them. "Yum. Not exactly meal like, but flavorful." said Liv. "See I told you. This trip doesn't have to be a total snore fest, princess!"

"Okay, one thing I want to set straight is...stop calling me Princess!" she yelled. "Well, that's what you are, aren't you?" he asked. "It's what I do not what I am. I am not joined at the hip to the monarchy as my royal brothers and sisters would say. My name is Olivia Andrea Storm Corsair. You can call me Olivia or Liv if it suits you. But I do not answer to princess!" she exclaimed. He was a little taken aback but accepted her willingness to state who she was.

"You've got brothers and sisters, Liv?" She sighed.

"Yes, but they rather wished I didn't exist. I'm not the popular one in the group."

"Oh, so how many..." he asked.

"Last time I counted five. But that doesn't count the other relatives that happen to show up at the Feathers Wing Ball every year or so. It is rather boring. Hobnobbing with a certain sector of society that think you sort of don't measure up to them or imagines you to have clout with the King, figures you can get them into the best warrior fights around town." She remarked.

"Wait, you know where the best fights are being held? I've been working my ass off trying to get into those places!" he exclaimed.

"Well, like I said I hear things and those things tell me where they are happening but..."

Just then they hear a loud cry as they neared the city of Manteau, one of the outer cities of the Kingdom. The cry was sharp and could be heard through the van's windows. They saw explosions out through the window. They heard the screams of fellow citizens. Despite what they heard they kept driving until they got to several stone shops. Olivia told him to slow it down and stop. He did. Olivia then got out of the truck. People were running in fear. They tried to grab what they could to prepare to fight these creatures. Swords, sticks arrows and torches were the weapons of choice.

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