The Dungeon Awaits

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890 A.E. (After Dark Elven Rule)

Olivia Storm Corsair

    Liv shook her head as she pummeled another elven Firash lackey. She realized Firash had connected with her. And she responded.

  I'm not afraid of you. You use other people to do things you can't. You don't have the guts to face me on your own. You're a coward. 

He laughed.

  You?! Call me a coward? Ha! You know nothing about me, princess. She responded. 

Don't be so sure. I read about you in the Ancient Elven Archives of Ishenora. This city. You ought to be proud. It wasn't easy finding history on you. It was blacked out in most archival records. You can thank the Elders wanting to protect this city from another you for telling me. I found out some things that were hidden. Apparently, a band of raiders came into this city several hundreds of years ago.

And managed to hold this city for ransom. The mayor gave them what they wanted, and they escaped. Over the next several hundred years this same thing kept happening and the mayors of those cities couldn't pay the ransom so what they did was barter their sole possessions for information they wanted. For what they asked I was shocked. She stated. 

You found this out, how?  He asked. 

  "Mother Berriam told me." The name surprised Firash. 

Firash knew Mother Berriam when he was child. He was orphaned at the beginning of the war. Many were. 

Get to the point, Princess. He replied. She invited you into her circle of assassins. She provided shelter and mentoring you needed. You and your squad were her flying knights. She initially wanted to do good with her clique. Swooping in and eliminating rival gangs for the destitute and abandoned. But you...had a different cause. You murdered innocents for cash! Isn't that, right?! she admonished.

A sly smile formed on his lips. Yeah, well...Mother Berriam was good in her time. But all good eventually...fades. And he said this in a rather bored manner.

During this interplay, Liv was almost reaching the fourth floor as two assassins came out of their hiding places shot their arrows towards her. And she shifted in the opposite directions, swiftly dodging the two arrows, but yet she fired two ice daggers with one stabbing them in the head. The other assassin had a bladed arrow that metal spikes on it. Liv felt the arrow's feather breeze past her. She didn't miss its sharp edges but they didn't hurt because of her protective shield on her armor.

Bitterness remains. Resentment remains.

He took a bottle covered in fire retardant rubber, drank it and tossed it. And touched the door and it blew off. He stammered down the stairs slowly. His eyes fiery and a indication of his intent. Every touch affected and burned. This was a tough Castle. He obviously had it built up in case of fire a long while ago. After he developed his abilities and skills in the Ancient dark elf art of kaitu. 

This ancient and hidden art was seldom practiced. But mainly it was forbidden by the Elden masters who lived in Ishenora long ago. The old master only taught it to his master to relieve a past debt. But Firash insisted and challenged his old master to a duel. He surprised his master by using it on him. His old master survived but forbid him from coming back to the monastery.

Although the Fire inside spreads.

As he walked down the stairs his men saw him and desperately tried to get out of the way. He shot them a look of intolerance and anger. He waved his hand their way. And several firebombs shot in their direction. Explosions erupted around them. The workers saw this, ducked, dodged and leaped out of the incoming attacks. Burned chairs and charred paintings left in his wake. He moved with a steadiness to the next floor down. The floor creaking at every impending step.

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