The New Strange Century Part 1

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891 A.E. (1 year post Dark Elven Rule)

The City of Ashview

The Congregation

After a blistering ten-year-battle for control of the Kingdom of Alynthia, its citizens still stood by their homes and residences with their swords and battle axes. They were a little weary and worse for wear. They knew that the Dark Elven horde of soldiers brought in by Fenmenor Firash had almost finished them. But because they had a very brave and resourceful King who knew how to use his men to staunch the ferocious tides by Firash's army they defeated him. They had dedicated soldiers who supported him for years and several allies like Phillipe Gustav and Acacius Howell. They led the battle inside the former Elven Castle of Firash. They cut them down in advancing procession.

But there were losses on both sides. Liv, during the major aspect of the battles, she felt their citizens pain through her abilities. She would in her travels through New Manteau and Denbrook, on horseback, wore a leather riding outfit, pants, and boots with a cape that matched the color of the trees. Before the war was really bad, Olivia would speak with the local shop sellers, stone masons and fishermen to try to get their aspect of the war. They would tell her that their businesses had suffered during the war. It barely became profitable when they would sublimate in the King's favor. War bonds, and war trinkets while endorsing the belief of the King's might on the lines.

Several business associates showed her a figurine of the valiant knights on his horse fighting the vengeful elves on the battlefield. She hid her expression when a shopkeeper showed her the same cute figurine. "The King sure does approve of the people's commitment to battle...!" She noticed the small tin place holder next to the donation box near the counter. She smiled as the shopkeeper thanked her for her donation and purchases.

Liv would take her time on her travels around the Kingdom. Sometimes she would take a break and visit some of the smaller villages that were not involved in the war. Her father, the King told her that it was too dangerous to ride out at night. But she would defy him and leave before the first morning's light. She realized some of the business owners didn't have the money to cover their own expenses. Some of them did not make it through the end of the war.

She visited one business that was closing up shop as she rode past. It was on the waterfront near the fishing parlor shops. She found a young man who was closing his storefront. His name was Merus. Liv approached him with her hand full of coins and jewels. He was very much surprised by her presence.
"You look like you are packing up to leave." she replied. Merus turned his face to hers. He was a young man with brown hair. He was very thin and looked like he had not eaten in days. "Yes. The night is arriving. I should get to my family."

"I think you should stay on for another season." She abruptly told him. He shook his head. "This place is a lost cause, my lady. My business is failing...! Look the people are leaving." he replied. Liv frowned. She watched as Merus closed his front doors and locked it up with the key. Liv became sullen. She knew this hurt the industry. But she told him about her father's plans for after the war. That there was way out for him and businesses like his. Merus was listening.

"Do you really believe that?" He asked her. She nodded. "I know my father. And I do know that he believes in his citizens." she replied. He wants the successful flourishing of his people. All of his people." "What would you do to help us?" She told him that once Firash's blockage of goods was reverted, life will begin to turn around. "More food and supplies will come into the islands and to the inner cities. As you know, Firash holds the market on fruits and vegetables that you and others need. But the King, my father, will take those provisions away from him. Just stay here a little while longer." she told him.

Liv saw the glint in Merus' eyes. Whether he wanted to or not, he believed in her optimism. She gave him one of her hand-made hairbands. She made them when she was still a young girl. Merus smiled. He moved several boxes of fruit away from the truck he had sitting out on the road. She then helped him get his boxes back onto the truck. "You can always come to visit us at the Castle. If you ever need anything at all." she told him. Merus thanked her and he went on his way.

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