The Dream

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New Manteau 

A cold night had arrived for the Kingdom of Alynthia as the waves crashed against the seashore. The wind whipped around furiously the city of Manteau, southern part of the continent that the Kingdom sat on. The city normally would be bustling with residents going in out of shops if not for a serious winter storm that captured it. But nestled in a cabin in a warm bed, Liv slept. On a table near the bed, some hot soup had been placed, near it some medicine, cloth, bandages, and a certain necklace with a blue gem at the center. 

Phillipe felt the night air come in through the window. He closed it to prevent a draft. He saw her sleeping there and felt her forehead. She looked peaceful. He moved a little strand of hair that had settled in front of Liv's face. Phillipe knew she had been through a lot in the recent weeks. He first discovered her encountering a pair of beasts eating their way through the humans in the Valforian forest.

Their meeting didn't just happen by chance. He had gotten a call of wolf attacks in the areas around New Manteau. He was sent there by his chief commander. To track and respond. Since then, he helped her fight off several beast attacks in different cities. They hadn't met back up until now. The sudden attack by these creatures he knew wasn't random. They were sent here by others. People who wanted to go after the King. Her father pulled out all his resources to stop these attacks. He did this by enlisting the Royal Guard to stand at posts designated throughout the city of Manteau.

"The King doesn't know about you, does he?" he asked the sleeping Liv. "What can you do? Hmmph. Better, he doesn't. What I've seen of the King. You wouldn't have wanted to see." He remembered a cold bitter scene in the city of Denbrook. He remembered seeing several men downed by the super wolves as they were calling them, and one of the trained men cornered one of the beasts in a shop. 

The beast was injured but was still defending his territory. He caught one of the trained men by the leg and was dragging him back to the shop. But the trained men were only going to use shock restraints to restrain the creature and then place them in the dungeon. But their Commander wanted them to put down no matter the cost. "Put them in the holding cells and use the treatment to do it!"

"But sir, we've already used shockerz on it. It doesn't faze it!" Said the soldier.

"Do it again! And again! Again! Until it is no longer moving!" exclaimed Leonidas.

The trained men are a little hesitant. But they advance on the creature. The creature growls at them with sharp teeth bared. It moved with quickness away from the men and before either of them knew it had escaped the shop. But outside the King's men were waiting for it, with shock guns. It was a collection of shock nets that were released sapping the creature of its energy. The wolf lay there unable to move but still alive. It looked at the trained men getting ready to put it in its restraint. The human side of the creature murmured something as Gustav neared it. "You won't get away this! There will be an answer..." With that an on-field guard kicked him and they placed in the restraint and locked the door on the truck.

In the toasty home of Phillipe Gustav, he made some warm cocoa down in his kitchen and brought it up the bedroom to drink it and watch his young friend. He could see she was worried about something. Her face was stressed and not in a good position. Phillipe hoped that whatever it was, it would pass away quickly. But looking at the marks on her hands, face and body that would be a hard task. Inside her mind she was battling with pain and hurt and disappointment. She was dreaming.

 In the dream, she was walking down a long corridor. But then the corridor expanded to an open area where she heard different voices all coming at her. Big and small voices she hadn't heard before. It was an open meadow with birds, and chirping sounds. The meadow had lush foliage all around.

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