The Savage Call Back

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The blizzard was thick and was piling on as Liv rode with her horse through it. The horse continued gallop its way along the road. She kept thinking this was the path to finding out her legacy. Her heritage wasn't born on Earth, it started on the planet of Alviren. 

After leaving her friend Hardwire, she went to the most learned libraries and the latest astronomy sites to figure out where her planet was situated. In the books, it was orbiting a star not in the Sol system. They said it orbited a blue dwarf star, but it wasn't appearing where they said it appeared. The books said the star was destroyed and the planet with it.

"On that planet were my brethren, sisters, and kin. But my warrior family could be here. Steps to my family could be here." she said.

 She kept leaning to the horse's body feeling the horse's energy galloping past several neighborhoods.

 "I have to find them." She began to remember what her old friend had said. 

"The places that were hit were all pinpricks of the castle...An enemy of the king wants to get his attention." said Harry.

"An enemy of my father's? Could that be related to me? I know so little about my family of peoples. All I know is from pictures on a wall or books in a library. I need actual contact. And this Liriel Lilyanha. They said she has been living on this mountain top in the distance for years. I don't even know if she was real. Or even if this is a dream." 

 She brought out the map she had gotten from the library. Soon they had been riding for hours up the rugged terrain. It had been rough. They were coming up on rough terrain. She had wanted to slow the horse's progression. So, they neared a river so the horse could drink there and rest.

They reach a small town named Sunder. She got off her horse for a minute to think. She watched four children with two adults gathering for warmth in the storm. She wished she had that with her mother. She reached toward one of the children playing with their dog. It was a small and scruffy little animal. It yipped and yapped at the children. She heard the children mention about certain strange things that were happening in Sunder. 

"Did you see that light in the sky?" asked the boy." 

"What light?" asked the girl. "It was more than a light. It was over there. And it was a flying meat eater!"

 "That was no meat eater, you're weird!" The boy pointed to the west as he made a whooshing sound.  He explained the object that he saw come screaming through the air. 

"Am not!" The boy screamed at her.

 "Are so!" The girl yelled back.

She walked to them and tapped the boy on the shoulder. The boy was sitting on a rock playing with his toy dragon set. His hair was short with a curl in his hair. 

"Hey, you said you saw something west of here?" 

The boy looked at her and then backed away and went to his toy set.

 "..." She saw that he was hesitant to talk.

 "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." She placed her hand on his shoulder.

 "I just want to know what you saw." 

"...Why? Who are you?" The boy asked. She stood on the silver steps that were displayed before them.

"I am a warrior. And I am on a mission. And I need your help." She stated. 


The boy brought out his coloring books out of his sack as his mother called out to him. 

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