The First Element Part 2

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She was scared, that the world would turn on her, revile her and cast her out. Liv's burgeoning powers were new to her and they didn't make a lot of sense to her. They only manifested when she felt threatened in a no win situation or in a desperate need. In the ring, the young Guild member did everything he could to defend himself from the beast. He tried to put space between him and the large creature. Then suddenly there was a loud trumpet that sounded in the arena. Another beast had entered. That was the male version of the Grollgot. Being that it was hungrier, it was also larger and more muscular than the female version. It had teeth just as ferocious and pointy as the female.

It paced back and forth with its tongue lavishing for the kill, waiting with anticipation. Then from one of the press boxes, the announcer yelled, "And the tension mounts...Will our hero get out of this alive?!" He was using his shield to knock the creature away. In persistence he thought he had time to get up on his feet. Just as he did, the creature had claws that lashed out at him, forcing him to jump out of the way. The objects in the ring made him almost stumble but he didn't. There were torn and scattered pieces of items everywhere. The Grollgot then took one more swipe at the young man and he fell to his knees. The Grollgot had cut a bad gash into the young lad's leg and he was bleeding. He had lost his sword while backing away from it.

Olivia felt her stomach twist into knots. Olivia knew she had to act decisively if she was ever going to save him. So she tried to concentrate her thoughts on her emotions. All the times she had felt afraid. She looked at the beast and the young teen with sweat on his face, afraid to move. She felt hot. She closed her eyes and her breath came in short pants and her pulse sped up. She didn't want him to die because if it did, she be left alone against it so she cried to herself. And as she did the Grollgot roared at its opponent in defiance. She could not hear it.

She opened up her eyes and ran up to the gate, unlocked it and heard the Elite soldiers stationed near there yelling and screaming at the match. All the while, the audience continued chanting their encouragement. Luckily the two nearest guards weren't paying too much attention to her and she was able to come up behind them. She hit one of them in the neck with a precise strike and he went down unconscious with a thud. Just as the other one turned to see what had happened, she jumped up on top of the guard's head and used her legs to twist down to the ground to make the other guard fall down immediately. She then took his keys and ran quickly to the arena.

Her heart was beating erratically. Her keen sense of awareness was heightened. There was an electricity in the air. People were shouting and yelling and it seemed the young lad had made a bit of a comeback. Just when she thought she made it to the cage to unlock it, two rambunctious guards saw her. They were shouting at her, but she couldn't hear them. But she could see them. She tried to open the cage but there were two sets of locks on it. She tried to pull on the locks but they wouldn't budge. She didn't have a lot of time. So she concentrated her focus from the battle to those locks.

The locks seemed to tremble under her gaze. She used her hands to manipulate the lock to open without actually touching them. Within a minute she was able to open the cage. The female Grollgot was still in battle with the Hunter's Guild member. It dodged the lad's ability to try to get on its back. It was leaning over him with its claws in his leg. But Liv was tenacious. Her eyes were white and her ears were pointed like her family's. There was a hush over the crowd. The announcer covering this event stated, "Wait a minute, ladies and gentlemen, an interloper has entered the ring!" The cameras all mostly focused on her. She carefully approached one of the beasts. She didn't know what to expect. But she felt she had to act or this would get out of control. It roared at her. It was right in her face. Liv didn't react. It charged at her.

The huge beast with its sharp teeth were nearly showing in the sun dried sandy section of the cage. The foul hungry beast growled at her. The beast looked a lot hairier than Liv had perceived. But it made no difference to her. With a steady concentration of her mind she pushed the Grollgot back away from her on his hind quarters. Liv surprised herself. She looked at her fingers. They seemed fine but they seemed more stretched than usual. Maybe because she hadn't had food in the last couple hours. But that wasn't it. She realized it was because of her abilities. The Grollgot wiped its face, shaken by what she did. It then got back up and charged at her. Olivia jumped back not knowing what to do.

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