The Elf Seeker of Scarsbone Mountain

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Timone Sayers

Current day.

November 24, 885 A.E.

The sun had a hazy look as it set upon the city of Ashview. It hid behind a few ominous clouds as it slid down into view of the lake. The sunset seemed almost an afterthought in the wake of what just happened to Olivia. But Timone knew this.

It was all destined to change. Nothing ever stayed the same. When Olivia made the Capitol city of Ashview, her home, many years ago, it was a brand-new city. There were sparkling barely touched streets, new and strange smells to behold. Fantastic sights and sounds to marvel at as the carriage that carried her stepmother and her brother, and two sisters rode through the bustling city. Her mouth was agape with all the juicy fruits and breads that distinctly made it to her nose. But that was a long time ago. Her horse Silver heart did a steady gallop on the road up the Northwest Ridge of the mountain. There were old odors among the few scant citizens on the road of Denbrook. The previous torrential rain that inundated the start of her trek that had dispersed them changed back to snow as soon as her horse went up the path to Scarsbone Mountain.

Timone shivered as he patted her horse on the mane. He was quietly telling her that it wasn't long before he could stop. But Timoni knew he had to carry his friend Olivia to the help that she needed. It was the least he could have done. She had helped him at the sword tournament, that was in Denbrook. When he saw her standing toe to toe with the Grollgot in that arena, that was pretty impressive.

He looked over to her leaning her head on his shoulder asleep. She had sweat on her forehead with a stressed appearance around her. He worried that her fever would get worse unless they could alleviate their main hunger. He hugged her and put his arm around her. "Don't worry, Livi, I'll get you some help. But the trek towards this mountain won't happen quickly. We have to get some food." As they galloped through the main countryside, he looked for places that had temporary medicines for her temperature.

Soon he found a shop closer to the path of the mountain. It was the called The Mushy Road Clinic. It was run by a single shop owner. He approached the shop owner with an urgency. "Please, you've got to help us."

The taller man had a moustache and a grey hat that he wore with warm gloves as the storm closed in. Tim hopped over to his shop and opened the door. The door made a noise of a bell that the man heard and turned his head to.

"Ah, I'm closing. I have to stop all..." the man quickly said.

But Tim was determined to not end up with nothing.

"Please. I... we need help. My friend is sick. She....she needs treatment." replied Timone. He pointed to her forehead. Her head was warm. She was sweating profusely. The shop owner looked at the both of them and immediately walked over. Soon as he saw underneath her dark grey cloak his eyes widened. And he realized that she was an elf.

"I... only have the bare minimum in cures."

"Please. My friend...she won't last..."

"I'll see what I can do." He looked and opened her eyes. They were dilated. He listened to her heart. It was beating rapidly. She was restless. Her body was constantly twitching. And he saw the injury across the side of her. Half the arrow was still in her side. "Alright. Your friend has been poisoned. Now...I am not a doctor, but I have assisted in my field of study." "Can you cure her?" He asked. "I don't know about that, but we can help calm her so..." "..."

Timone looked at the shop owner and hesitated. He didn't know if this old man could cure her or after he did would report them to the authorities in town. But he knew the nearest medical facility was ten miles in other direction. And they could not survive the travel as it was.

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