The New Strange Century Part 2

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891 A.E. (1 year post Dark Elven Rule)

The City of Ashview

      Soon, after they parted, Liv realized her father did his best to hold it down when she was absent and not in the Castle for the majority of those years. Especially since he did it for their citizens. She remembered his smile when he came down those stairs. She would never forget that. Olivia then went on a walk through the gardens and began to work on her ice magic. She used pools of the water in the lake to bring up frozen icicles and ice balls to carve an icy path through the lake. Liv could see fish in the lake jumping up over the bridge that was in the middle of Lake Pontus. Lake Pontus was a man-made lake that was fed aground by aquifers. It had been the natural resource for many of the citizens of Ashview.

    Olivia touched the water with her hands. It felt cool. Fresh. She sat there by the edge and grabbed a handful and formed it into mini pools of water. She got up and stood. As she did this she heard the Elven Seeker in her ears. She continued her ice magic by juggling ice balls in the air. The Elven Seeker instructed her to not just see the water pools as extensions of the outer world but an extension of her inner self. She became very good at it. It became strange at least to human standards that she could see the very tiny water molecules that were levitating above her.

     She breathed a puff of the moisture in the air. The water molecules froze instantly and spread toward the delicate daisimelles and didymases in the field askance of the Castle. She heard the little trills, guffaws and chirps of the whipper mead in the trees several feet from her. She then took off her shoes and with her powers in tow she ran as fast as she could through the field of daisimelles. She smelled their fragrance. They smelled like lilac berries and sweet orchid trees. It reminded her of when she was younger.

 Playing in these fields when her sisters and assorted cousins would be in the kitchen learning their "proper cooking methods" from Violet. Olivia at that moment felt so happy and free, she could literally fly. Which she didn't realize with her powers of the air she could. Well as much as her powers would let her, she hadn't really tested them in a while.

But suddenly she heard someone clapping and they were getting nearer. "Go ahead, soar and watch the birds in envy, Livi!!" That voice sounded familiar.

 She opened her eyes. And she looked down. Her dainty slender feet were seven or eight feet in the air. Liv was quite startled. And she saw who she was headed for. She smacked right into him, nose first.

 "Hey!! You've got a hard nose!" They landed on top of each other. 


"Sorry...I didn't see you." She got off him and quickly straightened her dress. He got up and smoothed out his gray flannel shirt and faded green pants.

"Great. I'll remember next time I see you floating through the air like a streaming comet." It was her friend Timone. 

She smiled at him and pinched his side. He smiled back. 

"Ever the dignified gentleman. He ha Me Canna (Hello. My friend.)

 "He ha. What were you doing up there, anyway?" he asked. 

"I was trying to get a feel for how me powers worked. I used to come out here when I was five years old and just run around. It just felt so freeing, ya know?" She breathed a breath of fresh air coming from the Northern Mountains.

"Yeah. Not having your parents know where you are when you were a kid, had to have been awesome." 

"Absolutely! I just liked having time to myself to think and wonder about my future. And to figure out how I figured into my father's grand plans." She sighed.

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