The Connection

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880 A.E. (After Dark Elven Rule)

When Olivia Storm Cosair finally entered her home, she heard a distant rumble of lightning in the frosty air. She very quickly took off her shoes and her cloak and rested it on the chair next to her desk. She sighed as she breathed the perfumed air in her living room. The frosty air had been unnaturally charged with electricity lately. Some of the meteorologists on the tele had been saying there was an ice storm on the way.

Many had been forecasting it. But she just didn't listen to that sort of thing. The clouds in the air were heavily shadowed and hovered over the city like a foreboding thought. In the distance she could hear little crackles of lightning snapping the city's citizens to attention. The lightning was a strange element. The electrical disturbances were so strong she felt it sometimes in her bones. It was strange to her, yet it felt familiar, but she didn't know why.

 As soon as the door closed, she put her bag on the soft chair and curled up on the comfortable sofa. She felt her knee and her right leg, it had been cut where the glass had been shattered on the ground where she fell in the skirmish with the thieves. It wasn't completely bloody. It would heal but only in a medicinal spa. The spa had certain magical elements that she couldn't get enough of. That spa would heal her injuries just like the rest of her body.

In her hand, she was carrying the bag the thieves had. She opened the bag. The bag she carried held the one thing she coveted over putting those men in the dungeon herself, her necklace. It was a beautiful one. It had jewels all around it but in the center, a red gem that sparkled when it shone in the sun's yellow light. She smiled knowing that at least they didn't get this. But just as beautiful as it was, the red gem was just as mysterious. The gem didn't come from any jewelry shop that was in the city that she saw.

 "It's time I asked Harry. Yeah, he would know." she said. 

Harry was the city's known gemologist and out right warrior, dwarf. If there was an odd bauble or shining cross on a high steepled building, he would know the history of it. She stared at it one more time. It had an elemental symbol at the center of it.

 "Wow, I bet this could fetch a pretty awesome bounty if..." She stopped mid-sentence in that thought. She couldn't, she thought.

Just then she heard a knock at the door. She jumped up off the sofa in her socks and looked through the keyhole. She saw two people eyeing her. The royal guardsman, Stefan, that her family left with her at all times, and most times she tried to ditch when she could, and the only other person that knew how much her individual freedom meant to her, her stepmother, Violet.

"Honey? I know you're in there. Stefan said so after I questioned him on whether he had seen you today." stated her mother.

Her mother was an old-fashioned comfy mom. She provided hot meals and the not asked for but needed advice when she had questions. And it goes to show she needed some answers. She did tend to rattle on about being in the right set of clothes when it rained. And it tended to rain a lot recently. Violet said the rain upset the basic natural poise of the woman of society. Making us not appear at our best and we as women had to reset the balance in our own way. But her princess daughter knew better but tolerated her when she got like that.

She opened the door. "Hi, Vi." 

Her stepmother's name was Violet. She had called her Vi, because her father had called her that when he was upset. But it sounded better when she said it. And because she didn't mind. She hugged her stepmom. Olivia stared at Stefan in an you couldn't have warned me, manner.

 Stefan in his calm and resolute manner said, "There was no need to. She did not present a threat."

"We are going to have to one day show you what a warning is."

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