The Wolf Conundrum Part 2

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Some time had passed. It was morning. When Liv woke the sun was shining in her eyes. She looked around her and she saw the spot where the wolf was. It was damp and disgusting. But the wolf was not there. She looked around and saw the brash, defiant tracker sitting on a log near the river. But the wolf was not there. Olivia stood up but her vision was a little fuzzy. She walked over to the tracker and asked him for some water. With a grunt, he grabbed a glass out of his bag and gave it to her. She scooped some cups of water out of the river and drank it down. She coughed as she did. And as she did, the tracker began to clean out his gun. And that started a conversation.

"So, are you done? Are you finished?" She asked. The tracker observed the girl through his newly sparkled glasses.

"No, why would you think that?" asked Phillip the beast tracker.

"The wolf is gone. And there are no more wolves for you to hunt."

"I don't hunt wolves, I track them. There are still most likely more in this city, and I will track and find them."

"Where is the wolf anyway? And where is the child?" she asked.

"Why do you care?" he asked.

"I...I don't know. It was an animal. What happened to it and the child?"

The tracker nodded and put down his gun.

"I had N.A.T.O. take it and move it to a secure location."

"N.A.T.O?" she asked.

"The Newtown Animal Tracking Organization. I have a certification to track these beasts all over the state and the country if I have to. And the child was brought to his mother in Denbrook. What happened to you earlier?" asked Phillipe.

"What do you mean?"

"You touched the wolf and then fainted."

She closed her eyes and then remembered what happened.

"The wolf's temp was high, and I wanted to lower it. And I touched its head and then I felt weak. I felt the spirit of the Earth telling me how to heal him. It was weird but it was what I had to do." she said.

"The spirit of the planet told you how to heal the wolf ?" asked Phillip.

"Yes, I don't know how, but I think it has something to do with my mother."

Olivia pulled out her necklace. It had a small glowing green orb at the centre of it. She held it in her hand and heard her mother's voice.

"Okay, well I have to report this back to base. Are you going to come with?" he asked.

Phillip stared at Liv in wonderment. He thought it was odd to find someone like her out in the woods. But he liked her lightheartedness.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm fine. Go ahead. I'll get back to the city fine." she said.

"Wait, I hadn't noticed before what with the beast attacking us but are you an elf?" he asked. She sighed. "I'm part elf. My mother was part of that society."

"Whoa. Then that changes everything. You have to come with me." he said. "What? I'm very capable of finding my way back to the palace."

The wind started to blow in their direction. The cold breeze blew right pass them on the leaves below. "It's starting get cold, I have a vehicle near here, I can drive you back to the palace. The beasts shouldn't bother us anymore if they can't smell you."

"I forgot about that." she said.

"Yeah, they literally shove it down your throat on the signs. Let's go." he said.

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