The Masquerade Unmasked Part 1

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Callum Leolan

The heir to the Alynthian throne had just entered a dark, mysterious house while searching for a piece of herself. She was searching for a piece of her family lineage. She had just escaped from the human guards that were in chase at the tournament. She found the key that unlocked the door to the cabin. The mysterious cabin that the half-elf Olivia and the human teenager Timoni were staying at was situated next to the banks of the Dorieski River. The vast forest which incorporated most of the suburbs of Denbrook had mostly fir trees dotted throughout the land. The cold breezes brought on by the incoming snow on the ground trailed to where our adventurers were in. But our adventurers were far from the city that the tense atmosphere was culminating in. In the city though, activities there were slowed by the recent snowfall that decorated streets there.

As several citizens shivered in the bitter cold, some of them noticed a peculiarity in the sky. There stood an agent of the Elven King of Alviren, Lord Fenmenor Firash, over one of the cities that the human King Leonidas Val Ostra Corsair presided over. King Leonidas did the best he could to protect his people from the armies of the Uruk and dwarven fleets. But the King knew this new encounter with the Elves was different. He knew that he had encountered something he could not deny. The Elven agent for their emissary floated there with his staff in guard for his King. He wasn't the only elven emissary over the cities. There were several positioned over the cities of New Manteau, Denbrook, and Asteria.

The one floating above Denbrook had his crown nestled comfortably on his head. His long hair threads were draped on his robe. His azure robe looked like it was tightened to his body as if he was bracing for things to come. He was an elite member of the Elven Guard. He belonged to a specific section called the Warriors of the Mist. They were named the Warriors of the Mist for the way they lied in wait for their prey. They were swift, deft and accurate. And were extremely loyal to their cause. Their King, Lord Fenmenor Firash, had no reason to think they would abandon him. He had served them well in their domain. After the breach happened he quickly ordered them to take their places amongst the inhabitants of this one.

It was not easy though to move from the group of islands that sat in the west for him. Firash knew that if they were to take control of the vast continent and the grasslands that lay before him he would need help. He grabbed several fleets of ships. He first established bases where his Elven fleet could set up and get food, clothes, tools and homes. There they would set up factions that would help them move against the humans that were on the continent. When they got enough supplies they moved closer to their objective. To annihilate the human resistance. They viewed the human resistance as a threat. And they wanted to establish territory for themselves. In this they used their weaponry and their beasts to take what they wanted. It was all to advance their goal. This objective was not met without some obstacles.

The Uruk clans in the southern district of the city proved especially difficult to deter from moving. They were going to put up a fight if one of his crews wandered in their territory. And they did one fateful night. Several Elven soldiers wading through Urukan swamp waters were hoping they wouldn't see an Uruk. They had heard of them but did not want to engage any of them. They were not the most kind or gracious of warriors.

Callum Leolan knew that. He was sent on a mission to gather food and supplies for his family. As he trod through the water he had a sneaking suspicion he was not alone. There were scents of Uruk that been through the area. He could hear their grunts throughout the forest.When Callum was younger his father taught him how to equip arrows and to know when to fire them on unsuspecting prey. That was five years ago. He understood about the violent Uruk tribes. He saw them when they were attacking several human villages. When he was out scavenging with his human friend, Lalla, he witnessed their savagery. His friend in defense of a family put herself in the way. They quickly tossed her aside in a fit of rage.

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