The Task at the Mountain Part 2

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"This is what I had wanted since we last met..." Interrupted Nessa. Just at that moment she didn't hear her beau, Eric. But an Elven witch. She appeared hovering across the room, in ripped and worn plaid dress. Her black hair looked like it had been stressed out. The party goers scattered to the sides. Windows were breaking open, glass tore everywhere. They all had to cover their faces. "This is my dance! And I'm going to dance with my foe...before she dies..." Olivia was shocked to see this Elven fai here. And she knew her. The fai that had been trapped in that tower for many years. Nessa Fenwick. She came at Liv after she confronted the rogue hunters, with her rogue fai seeking the throne.

Liv barely lived through that. "Yes! My dance." She shoved the party goers out of the way and went after Eric. Nessa looked at Olivia and remarked that they hadn't finished what they had started. As she neared Eric, she grabbed him. "Oh, do you love this poor boy?" Eric tried to escape from her but she tightened her grip and she backed herself from the crowd. The crowd gave an audible gasp. "Urrggh!" "Don't move too much, you don't want good ol' Livi to have to make a fateful decision." "Nessa...please..." She gasped. "I knew you'd come here, Livi. You invaded my mind in our last fight. Invading my priv-acy with your sanctimonious threats. My father gave me purpose to blight all who cross me...Even entitled brats like you."

Nessa sees Liv's apprehension in attacking her. And presses her advantage. She then smiles. "I see you've enjoyed our luxurious surroundings. Our drinks, our pool, our ample suitors...!" Nessa caressed Eric's face with her soft, supple hands. Eric began to recoil from her touch. While this happened, Olivia tried to recover from the nasty hangover she had. "You might be wondering why you're even in this mean predicament? Well, I'll let you in a little secret...." She moved Eric toward Liv in her unwell state. "From the moment you climbed that steep cliff up this mountain and had a dip in that absolutely relaxing sauna, you were my pawn." She cackled.

Olivia's eyes widened. She turns back through the open glass window with the cold wind blowing in. She recalled. "...The brambleberry juice..." "Ha Ha Yes. That was perfect. We ought to give tours to see your look right now!!" She did a little dance and twirled around with Eric. He is not particularly on board with this. "Let me go, you wretch!" He tries to push her away. "No no no no my dear. We mustn't do that. You might dislodge an arm..." She held his arm tightly against her. As she held him, she dug her long-colored nails into his neck. She dug them so hard, one of them made an impression on his cheek. Olivia recalled that sometimes her stepmother Violet would use the bramble berries in stews and medicines to numb an injury. But that was only in small doses.

"Yes...good and quaint bumble juice...! In small doses it can be rather tasty for infants. But..." She giggles. "In a big grand dose, it has been known have hallucinogenic properties!" Liv stood back and she had to sit down. Liv felt a little unsteady. Her stomach didn't feel so good. As much as Nessa and Eric were twirling on that dance floor, she felt like she had just as much as they did. Suddenly, she just barfed on the floor. Several people moved away from her. She coughed and spit out the juice several times. Her vision swayed back and forth. "Be careful...too much bumble juice can be deadly!" She cackled endlessly.

"Why...Why are you doing this?" Liv asked. "Why?! Why?! You have some nerve asking why!! I have watched many a successor to the throne dance with the King quietly awaiting my chance to just be thwarted by neophytes wanting the crown. And I will not let it get away this time. Even if I have to step over and crush every rock in my way!" She stared at the barely standing Liv. "You Livi are a joke. A straight pretender. No one would dare give you a blessing while I'm around! And when I finish you off, they won't!" Her black bejeweled dress she wore slunk to her body as she looked intently in her book of spells.

Liv's body felt like it was a mix of spikes, raw energy and a bloated triga. (a huge water mammal) But she was determined to defeat Nessa as Eric held her up. Olivia tried to stand up to the dark fai. But she wobbled on the brink of another trip to the floor. "You won't get away with this. You will be called in for a savage death crime if you do this." She focused all her energy while Nessa was distracted concocting her spell on getting up. Nessa raised her left hand in protest. "I have an answer for that." With a quick wave of her right hand the party goers were reverted back to their unamused, unaware, nonplussed selves. The crowd went back to drinking, dancing, talking, unaware that she was even there.

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