The Confrontation Part 1

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October 31, 890 A.E. (After Dark Elven Rule)

Olivia Storm Corsair

   It has all led to this. Olivia's final battle with Lord Fenmenor Firash in the Elven city of Ishenora, on her horse, Silverheart galloping through its winding yet empty streets on this blustery night. The slow receding crimson sunset set a foreboding tone as the northern misty winds blew past her. It was an oddly still atmosphere that masked the tension of what was to come. She desperately needed to get to Wallerby Castle.

   She remembered the baby orc who had been taken down into the dungeons of the Ishenoran castle. In the years that proceeded it, Firash had built the same dungeons that her father had constructed for his enemies in the past. The little raffling had a family, and its mother was shot by soldiers who worked for Firash. And lest she not think of the elderly wizened elf that had burn marks on him because of the vengeful Lord.

   Firash inserted himself in her dreams for the next several years, taunting her over and over. She then yelled out, "Firash! Your cruelty ends tonight!" With that yell, the elf/orc army turned their heads and growled in sneer. Several of them charged at Liv on their black-haired strewn horses whinnying in the distance. Liv held her sword straight and true in her hands, gripped with a tightness and necessity. She had seen these orcs before but not with the Elven sense of intelligence and togetherness or with their piercing emerald eyes.

  Their eyes glinted in the receding sun. They formed a flank as they galloped towards her, side by side. But she didn't care, she was fierce and intended to prove it. The orcs gave their approaching long and terrible screech, as their sounds echoed in the forest. With Lord Firash hearing them, he was tense with anticipation. Her tenacity at finding beauty in people intrigued him. And he knew this moment was coming. With a telekinetic link to them, he implored his elf/orc horde to engage and to not hesitate to bring her to him.

   Olivia met the first orc with her steel sword and clashed as their horse galloped past her. He made another pass at her, keeping his gaze on her in her armored suit. Her suit was silver with a red sheen and was impervious to most sword hits. The orcs howling scream were ear piercing and she had to take several cotton balls in her ears to muffle the sounds. As she neared the next building, the chase was on. She had to turn around and take it to them. This called for accuracy and no holding back. Her horse galloped through the abandoned street, as her heart jumped in excitement.

   This was the first time she had attempted to take on a tyrant. One royal figure who warped the fabric of the King's laws. He claimed that the elves in the human cities were left without the necessities they needed. Which meant they were left without their dignity in maintaining their selves and family. But in this city, he separated his Dark army from the common Elves in the Kingdom. He himself was separated from the commoners with his war-like approach. He surrounded himself with his emerald eyed generals at his conference meetings and those that were his fight crew. They were separate from those living in villages, combined huts, and tents in the poorer cities. He claimed to be for all elves but there was a hierarchy.

   It was his distinguished Elves and his perceived slighted hurts from the Capitol and from the Kingdom that he was holding against everyone else. Also, her father had taken upon himself to outlaw elves in the Capitol City. To be fair to her father, it was a majority of the contingent senators in the Senate that voted that legislation down. But he didn't dispute them. And results of that vote were not pleasing to the citizens of Alynthia.

  They had read the outstanding bits of detail of what had happened many years before. Dark Elves from elite circles who had a tortuous existence when magic was still a forbidden art broke out of the cells they were in and caused a spectacle at a human festival that was happening that day. They killed several humans that day and the police locked them up again. In the months to come the King outlawed all supernatural acts and magics. And he banned Elves from the Capitol City unless they met rigorous tests. And if several of the skilled warriors didn't meet those tests, the Human Protection Group put them up for bounty hunters. Bounty Hunters like Peter Savorin.

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