The Unwanted

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 The Kingdom of Alynthia had existed for a hundred years, during that time it had several leaders. But this time they had a leader that had a daughter who was a different nationality then of which her parents were. And that difference had caused problems within communities of the Alynthian Kingdom. That all came to a head five years ago. 

880 A.E. (After Dark Elven Rule)

    In the Capitol human city of Ashview, a teenage girl, Olivia trotted out exhausted in an alleyway tripping in the aftermath of defending herself. The icy breezes just nipped her fingers in the night air. She was just at a formal party that her father and stepmother, her King had hosted until she was found by some rogue hunters. She knew being here would have been seen as against the King's harsh laws. 

Olivia had hardly grabbed a piece of decadent dessert before the hunters targeted her. So, she ran out of the entertainment hall down the long stairs outside into the cold night air. Her shirt had been torn and ripped in places near her shoulder and abdominal area. Her jeans were ripped on her left knee and there was smeared blood on her right cheek and other spots on her body. Olivia staggered out and rattled a trash can as she walked unsteadily. She paused. Her stomach felt like mushed oatmeal. The last couple of hours had not been fun.

She hadn't eaten in as many hours. But she knew if she were to survive, she couldn't stop to eat. Olivia thought she heard someone running after her. She turned her head back to look. There was no one there. Her heart was beating ravenously like it was drinking in her fear of getting caught. She heard a scream from several yards back. Then it quieted soon after. She felt relieved. The city that she lived in was full of noise and completely incredulous to what she was feeling. But then as soon as she thought she had a reprieve she heard voices that sounded familiar. She sprinted quickly to a dark and shadowed corner; The voices got nearer to her.

"That royal bounty is worth millions. This could set up our faction for life!" said Nazir, the skittish human who didn't want to be out this late.

 "Too many incidents with this girl. I don't like it! It feels like we're walking into a trap. This girl is ending up not being worth my time and effort...! Do we even know what she looks like?" said Pravin, the agitated twenty something, former guard to the Palace. 

His compatriot chuckled. 

"I thought I caught her several blocks back. I saw her coming out of a food mart, she ran, and I then got snagged in a crowd and I lost her."

His compatriot stared at him and rolled his eyes. He hit him in the head. "How can you let that happen? We were trained to track, find, and cut any threat to the throne. If we want that bounty, she has to go. Do you want that money?" he asked.

His compatriot looked at him and answered. "Hell yes! No small waif is going to get in the way of that."

 "Alright then. Grab that weapon and that bag and come with me." 

His companion did as he was told. He looked around and saw someone walking toward him and he turned the person around to him. The woman screamed and he let her go. 


 She ran like she had seen a ghost. They knew the girl that had eluded them was in the vicinity.

She felt that the noose was around her neck. Sweat trickled down her throat as she touched her foot. It felt like she had been walking forever. She heard footsteps scampering near her. She hoped it was another partygoer from the recent parties that had been going in the city earlier. She sat down next to a dumpster and felt her stomach as it started to rumble. She was hungry and the recent festivities had been full of food and drinking, something she had wanted to partake of. But she couldn't because it wouldn't have been proper. Royal society was not allowed to mingle and fraternize with the common folk. It just wasn't done. Because she was not like everyone else. Everyone else was not important, or necessary to feel comfortable.

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