The Inner Sanctum of Time

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Olivia Storm Corsair was shocked to find in a lone house that was just down the road from the city residents, a warrior elf, she was determined to find out how he got here. This house that she and her friend, Timoni, were in was close to the Valforean forest just outside the Kingdom's walls. The Kingdom that her father and his human royals were gifted to rule. She moved the elf that was laying there in blankets over to the heater to warm him. Timoni touched the Elder Elf on his head to feel for any sickness. It felt like he had a high fever. The elf had burn marks all over his face and hands and feet. He also had scars on his head and cheek. It looked like he had been through some event that he had yet to disclose. "Can you hear me?" She looked at him not knowing what he was going to say. He looked at her with tears in his eyes, in a weak but grave voice he said, "Unchain Me!!"

But the elderly elf was not chained to a device or to the wall. So his plea was not understandable. Olivia knew that this was different than anything she had ever faced. This wasn't a knife fight or a sword battle she was so used to seeing in the cities. So she decided to look inward. She also felt it was a more of a hidden problem. That it was not that obvious. She closed her eyes and found her calm center. She was trying to probe inside the elf. And she saw into his soul. But there wasn't any harmony connecting him to his soul. There was a chain of torment, pains and grievances. And that created uncontrollable fire across his mind scape. The sight of these stresses sent intense pain across her physical body. She screamed out in agony.

Her human friend Timoni, saw her pain and reached out to give a reassuring touch to Liv on her shoulder hoping that she could feel him. But she couldn't. Her mind was focused on easing this elf's pain. But to do that she needed to focus on her healing abilities from her mother.

"He has experienced great pain. He feels connected to this place. But not to just himself for his loved ones, friends and his family." But she went toward one of the doors but that is blocked to her by flame. So, she focused on what her mother kept telling her to remain calm even in the direst of trials. She saw several fire monsters appear before her. They were all too familiar for the Elven clan.

Those who had been taken into the Fire Lord's protection had been given fire abilities. Including ancient flying creatures that swooped above her. "These creatures, too? You infect these creatures with your spite, disgust and anger?" She could feel the emotions tied to these creatures as well. At that moment the bird with wings aflame swooped down tried to nip at Olivia but she immediately got out of the way. She heard the birds scream in effigy. Fire came out of their eyes and their beaks. The flames grew on their wings enveloping the air around them. They screeched incessantly around them.

She saw not only the birds, but horses, deer and rabbits, snakes, giant lizards, all breathing fire. She could feel the innate fear and anger in these beasts. She tried to approach them but the flames flew out of them at her. "I know these creatures aren't acting their own. How do I calm them?" She saw a huge lizard on a molten hill with lava oozing out of the ground. In the distance volcanoes erupted with plumes of smoke billowing out of their stacks. She looked at the Elder elf on his throne with armor plated to his skin stricken with pain. She concentrated on the elder elf Prince and touched him on the shoulder. And she started to breathe calm thoughts. Thoughts that made her calm when she was scared.

She thought about her mother. She thought about the moments when she and her stepmother would walk in the fields after harvest. She would be running ahead of her brothers and sisters trying to catch the butter-frees in the night air. She enjoyed those times. Those frequent fluttering insectoids were pleasing to her especially when she started to miss her mother. Her sisters would tell her to quit talking to the animals and insects and help them with the chores that needed to be done. But she would ignore them and be at peace with the nature and trees.

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