XI. always you

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lilith's phone went off, causing the blonde to stir in her sleep. and again. lilith let out a loud groan and she opened her eyes, only to be blinded by the sunlight shining through her windows. lilith lifted her hands to her face, rubbing her tired eyes. finally, lilith turned on her side and reached for her phone which sat on her bedside table.

lilith lifted her phone from the small table, reading the notifications down her lock screen. releasing a small sigh from her lips, lilith unlocked her phone, clicking onto messages to respond to one of her closest friends. sarah cameron. sarah and lilith had always been friends. of course, they'd been a little more distant lately due to the whole rafe and raven drama occurring. though, lilith still loved her blonde haired friend.

sar 🤍
please, please do
me a big favour.

lily 🫶🏼
do i even want
to know?

as lilith awaited the blonde girls response, she rolled back onto her back, facing the high ceiling of her bedroom. lilith closed her eyes for a moment, wondering what the cameron girl wanted. with everything the pogues had going on at the moment, she hadn't spoken to anybody. with john b losing her father, and discovering a treasure quest for them to set out on, lilith was so busy she'd completely forgotten about the party that night.

sar 🤍
maddy's party tonight.
i know you probs
don't wanna go, but i
really need you to go.

lilith let out a deep breath as her eyes read over the message. she wasn't sure of how to respond. she wasn't sure what her friends would think of her going to a kook party in the middle of really big situation. though, lilith knew that she wanted to go deep down. she could do with a drink.

so, instead of turning the blonde girl down, lilith lifted her thumbs to the screen and began to type her answer. she was unsure of how her friends would react. though, maybe going to the party wouldn't be such a bad idea.

lily 🫶🏼
be at my house at
half seven, sharp.

sar 🤍
i'll bring the pre's!

lilith let out a small laugh as she read over sarah's message about pre drinks. lilith and sarah used to always go to parties together, the previous summer was their party era. they'd pre-drink every night and then head to big party full of kooks, just so that they wouldn't have to turn up to the party sober.

lilith finally brought herself to lift the covers off her body and slide out of her bed, allowing her feet to touch the cold, wooden floor. knowing that jj and pope were out on the boat delivering things for heyward in a couple hours, there was still some time for lilith to spend with her friends.

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