II. diver down

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john b wandered into the living room of the château after waking up to water dripping from his ceiling and discovering that there was no signal nor power.

john b muttered a couple things under his breath after trying the light switches in the house. his eyes spotted the blonde boy with his arms around lilith. which wasn't a surprise to the routledge boy, or anyone for that matter.

"yo, jj." john b called the maybank while smacking his back. the blonde boy didn't move a muscle, keeping his eyes shut tightly, cuddling closer to lilith. "you been outside?"

"i have polio, bro. i can't walk." jj mumbled into lilith's hair who's eyes slowly fluttered open at the vibration on her neck. john b walked out of the house and onto the porch and jj finally opened his eyes. jj looked down at the girl in his arms who had closed her eyes again.

a warm smile fell upon jj's face, placing a soft kiss onto lilith's cheek before moving his head into the crook of her neck again. lilith let out a quiet sigh, moving to sit up on the couch. but before she could go anywhere, strong arms pulled her back down to the couch.

"no." jj groaned and held on comfortably and securely onto the girls waist, stopping her from going anywhere. "we're not getting up yet," jj pressed his face into her hair, the scent of her perfume filling his nostrils.

lilith rolled her eyes and swiftly managed to jump out of jj's arms without him stopping her. jj let out a loud groan as the girl in his arms was no longer there. "well i am," lilith walked around the pull out sofa bed, ruffling jj's blonde hair with a soft chuckle.

lilith walked out the château door and onto the porch, her face fell immediately when her eyes landed upon her surroundings. john b was stood mourning a big tree that had fell down, meanwhile lilith began to count the amount of trees that had fell in total.

lilith let out a loud yawn, her arms reaching up to stretch. lilith continued to wander around the garden, hearing jj and john b start up a conversation from behind her. lilith took slow steps down the deck, deeply breathing in the after-storm air, one of her favourite parts of a storm in the outer banks.

she was already prepared for the amount of complaining jj and john b were going to be doing later about how kooks have generators. lilith loved storms, all the pogues knew that, they weren't really sure why, she wouldn't tell any of them, not even jj.

the pogues just assumed it was something to do with when she lived in england, maybe something to do with her parents. either way, it was personal.

jj watched the peaceful girl from afar, admiring as the morning sun hit off her beautiful, smooth face. a small, uncontrollable smile creeped up onto his lips and he jumped down from the porch railing and headed over to john b who was busy throwing branches onto the grass.

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