XXIV. the runway

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everyone has a point in their life when they're at their lowest. when they can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. being at your worst is to feel worse than you've ever felt, to feel stuck and trapped, to feel like you can't find a way out of a certain situation or feeling. this can be because of an outside circumstance that is out of your own control such as the death of a loved one, or it can be caused by your own ignorance and despair. when you hit your lows, you need to take a step back and look at what you can do in that moment to gain reward.

almost remember that tears are words the mouth can't say nor can the heart bear. to feel empty. everyone might feel this void in their heart from time to time. emptiness refers to a compilation of feelings—including loneliness, sadness, numbness or disconnection from others—that can be felt by most people at some point in their life. feeling empty inside can make you feel like nothing matters. you might feel like there's nothing that connects you to other people and the world around you anymore. at times, you might feel like you hardly exist.

that's how lilith-rose steward felt once she awoke from the deep debts of the darkness in her soul. empty. to feel like you are nothing. empty. to feel like there is nothing left. empty. you are empty. lonely. surrounded with nothing but darkness. fear. anxiety. the night had fell upon the outer banks. the moon was the only source of light shining down on them as if it were a sign from heaven. the stars lit up the sky, glowing as bright as they ever had before. things were changing. the outer banks was changing. it had changed.

the small waves crashed against the small boat. it sailed through the peaceful river. the crickets surrounded the long grass on the land. the birds flew through the sky, their wings bringing them wherever they desired. to be a bird. to be able to take yourself wherever your heart longs for. if only it were that easy for human beings.

"he's dangerous." a deep voice spoke quietly. it was the first he'd spoken to her since she'd woken up. lilith slowly lifted her head. it was obvious she'd been crying. but she was now numb. the bags under her eyes only grew bigger and darker as the seconds passed. exhausted. her hair gently rose and fell as the wind picked up and dropped again. shocked. her beautiful eyes which were once so full of light were now blurred with tears, almost completely bloodshot with the rivers she cried to herself. scared. and the skin that was always so gloriously tanned had dropped from all of its colours, making her soft skin as white as a ghost. "let me come with you."

"no." was all she could bring herself to say as the small boat slowly began to approach the wooden dock. she could muster any other words. her mind was blank. not a single thought ran through her head. only the mind-eating thought of what was to come next. lilith slowly shook her head. it was the only thing she could do in addition. this was her battle.

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