Chapter 1-Who are you?

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Blakely's POV:

My whole life I was always the oldest. Eldest child, eldest grandchild, and I hated it. My name is Blakely Mila Jackson and I am 14. I have always had a normal life, doing the shit that all children do. My family consist of my mother, Kylie, my father, Bret and my 3 younger siblings, Jacob, Charlotte and Aroura.

At school, I'm not one of the popular kids but I'm also not one of the loners. My friend group consists of Holly, Clara, Chelsea, Dylan, Ben, Liam, Oliver and myself. We have all been friends since primary school. I've got no fucking clue what that is in America but here in Australia, that's what it is called. Surprisingly we are all in the top class, I honestly don't know how.

I'm sitting here in detention for shit I didn't even do. My bitch of a cousin Taylor told the teacher Chelsea and I was skipping, we weren't, so when our names were called down to the office we went straight away. Long story short, they found our vapes and weed and now we are both here in detention.


Fucking finally that shit is over.

"Girls I don't want to see you here again. Your parents have also been called and you have a week's suspension. Have a good afternoon." Our principal Mrs Kristen told us. My mum is gonna fucking kill me.

"Mate that boy better be happy we took the blame for him this time cause I ain't doing that shit again," Chelsea told me as she picked up her bag to leave. Oh, I forgot. Sooooo Liam and Chelsea, 2 of my closest friends, hate each other cause they fight over me. Like literally.

"Babes I know. My mum is gonna kill me. Also can your brother still drive me home and pick me up before the party. Anddd I may of not asked my mum so I'll need to use one of your dresses."

"Yeah that's fine. He's here now."

We walk out the gate and get into her brothers car. When we reach outside my house, I tell Chelsea to pick me up in 45 minutes. I walk inside and say a quick 'hi' to my brother before going to face the devil herself. My mother.

"Blakely Mila Jackson! Please explain to me why on earth I got a call from your school saying they caught you with drugs and vapes in your bag? Maybe your aunty was right and Taylor should move in here while she is away. Than she can knock some sense into you."

"Mum it wasn't even my fault, they weren't mine. Do a fucking drug test on me if you don't believe me. And if Taylor moves in you already know I'm out and I'll happily take the others with me so they don't have to put up with that bitch." I know I shouldn't of been that mean but my whole life I have been compared to her and I hate it.

"I'm going up to get ready. Chelsea is picking me up at 4:30." I left with that knowing if i stayed any longer there would be a screaming match between us.

Reaching the top of my stairs I see my favourite sibling, and my parents least favourite child, Charlotte sitting on her bed reading her book. Charlotte has always been the least favourite and gets blamed for everything. All my friends, even some of my family, say I'm Charlotte's real mother cause ours just yells at her and never hears her out.

I walk into my room getting out of my school uniform and into some shorts and a t-shirt.

(Blakely's outfit)

 As I'm packing my bag there is a knock at the door

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As I'm packing my bag there is a knock at the door. I peer out my window to see who it is. There is a blacked out range rover. I run downstairs to open the door. When I'm there I see Jacob has already opened. Two tall men with suits on stood there. They looked to be a father and son. The older man had jet black hair with a few streeks of grey running through it. The younger man had the same hair, minus the grey, but he had tattoos running up his neck. Both of their eye's were green, the same colour as mine.

"Hi who are you?" Jacob asked with a shakey voice.

"Hello. I'm here to see Kylie Jackson. I was told this is where she lives." The older man said. His voice was cold and his face held no emotion.

"Why do you need to speak to my mother?" I spoke pushing Jacob behind me because i knew he was scared.

"Can you just please get your mother. It is important." The older man said however he had a slight smirk on his face when looking at me.

"MUM! IT'S FOR YOU!" I yelled

Mum and Dad both came into the hallway however as soon as mum saw these men she froze.

"Alejandro. W-w-what are y-you doing h-h-here?" my mum asked with a shakey voice.

"I came to get my daughters. I won the custody battle. They will both be coming home with me." The older on who I now know is Alejandro said confidently. By now the whole family was here.

"Look mate, I don't know who you daughters are but all the children who live under my house are mine and Kylie's. So could you please leave."

"No we will not leave. We came here for my daughters and we won't leave until they are with us." Alejandro replied. Can't this bitch just give up and leave cause I really need to finish packing.

"B-Blakely go pack a b-bag for you and charlotte. You are going to live with your f-f-father." Mum spoke in a stuttering mess. WAIT! WHAT?

"What do you mean? Blake isn't going anywhere." Jacob said grabbing onto my arm.

"Well I'm going to assume that you are Blakely," Alejandro said looking in my direction, "and you are Charlotte," he said facing her, "It is very nice to meet you girls. I would of come found you sooner if I knew you were alive. But can you please both go and pack your stuff cause you are coming home with me."

"And why would that be?" I asked, my voice not giving away any of my emotions.

"Because you will be coming and living with since I am your father." he stated. My whole life has been a fucking lie.

Authors note:

Hey guys, here is the first chapter.

I just wanted to say thankyou so much for choosing to read my book and if you see any mistakes or improvements I can make please tell me because this is my first book.

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