Chapter 5: The house

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Blakely's pov:
Once we were out of hearing distance Tatiana turns to me saying, "I'm so sorry they don't know when to stop. Are you okay?" She asked to which I just nodded my head.

"Do you guys want me to show you around now or tomorrow?" She then asked, "Now please Ana." Charlotte replied for the both of us.

I really didn't want to go cause this house is ginormous and I can't be fucked. But I was not going to say anything.

"Ana! Ana! We need to show them the girls hangout so they can be there too right?" Alani question "Yeah we can show them but we will go up by the levels." Tatiana answered.

"So here is the living room. This is the main one but there are atleast one on each level. This one is used when we are all together or we have family or friend over." Ana explained showing us the room.

"Than there is the indoor pool, the backyard and dads office. This office is the only one we are allowed in. Oh which brings me to say, no going on the 4th floor you have to walk straight past it because that is where the business meetings are." She continued to explain.

Why can't these people just have a normal office? Why do they need one at home?

We continue the tour. On the second floor was the massive games room, the boys hangout, girls hangout, the library, the movie room and two other living rooms.

The third floor was all the bedrooms so we skipped that floor because we would be coming back to there.

The fifth floor was basically just a massive games room. There were toys for the little kids, PlayStations, Xbox, tv's everything.

Ana explained to us that the boys were all put in pairs and each had an Xbox. But it wasn't only our brothers it was also our cousins. Apparently our house is the house everybody comes to. Don't know wether to be happy or not.

There was a bar and fridge over in one corner. Also a window which Ana said leads to the roof so i will be going there tonight.

"Okay so third floor. Basically it goes in age order. Dad is right at the end. To the left is Enzo next to him is Leo that Tyler and Chloe that's yours next to his. Opposite Enzo is mine then Tyson's then Alani and charlotte that one is yours." Ana told us finally back on the third floor.

Her phone than got a notification "umm dad wants you guys in his office. Do you think you can get down there by yourself cause I really need to get her to bed." she said pointing to Lani who was half asleep on her shoulder.

"Yeah we will find out way. Thanks for showing us around though." I told her then started heading downstairs.

Me and charlotte found our way to the office rather easily. I looked at Charlotte then at the door and back to Charlotte nodding my head.

I knocked on the door waiting to hear a come in before opening it. When opening it I am faced with my father and oldest brother. This will end well.

"Girls please have a seat. He said gesturing to couch in his office. Once all four of us were seated he broke the silence again. So girls the reason why we are here is because we want to discuss some things with you." We both bid our heads.

"First Lear's go over rules;
1. I expect you to treat both me and your siblings with the same amount of respect we give you.
2.someone needs to know where you are at all times and who you are with
3.No going on the 4th floor
4.If me or Enzo tell you to do something you do it straight away.
5. Curfew for you charlotte is 5 on school nights and weekends. Blakely school nights is 9 weekends is 12 unless you are with one of your older siblings or cousins
If you have anything you would like to say say it now." The rules seem pretty simple if you ask me so I just shook my head.

"Okay so now that you both agree Blakely would you like to tell us what your dream was about on the plane?" He asked curiosity in his voice. I simple shake my head.

"Well I hope you that you can go to anyone of your siblings or myself if you need help. But I would like to know why when you are comfortable." Like fuck I was ever going to go telling them about my fucked up self. I'll just add to much stress to their lives.

"Also I would like to know why you would eat anything at dinner Blakely?" Enzo asked. What the fuck am I supposed to say back to that.

"I wasn't hungry. It honestly wasn't that deep." I say avoiding their eyes.

"Okay you can both go to your rooms now. And girls we are all so happy you are home." Alejandro said to us as we were walking out the door.

At the top of the stairs I say night to Charlotte before walking into my room.

Holy shit this room was so pretty and it was massive.  The bathroom was amazing and there were already some clothes in the cupboard.

I see my bag in the corner of my room. Fuck yes. I run over to my bag pulling out my fluffy pants and a baggy to wear to bed. I get my body wash and everything else not forgetting about my blades.

I walked in to the bathroom and set my stuff down. I strip and get into the shower. I wet my body before sliding down the bathroom wall.

I cut my thighs. Once for being and awful friend. One for what I did to Hannah. One for all my sibling who I just burden with my problems. Two for each of my 'parents' and Alejandro. I only stopping when there is no room left. Knowing that if I go any lower you will be able to see.

I rest my head back against the tile just thinking about how much has happened today and how fucked up my life is. I finish washing my self and my hair before getting out.

Once I'm changed I get a smoke or as my friends call it a 'k'. I sneak out of my room and up the stairs till i make it to the 5th floor. I climb out the window and sit on the cold roof. I sit there smoking a smoke with way to much weed in it. When I'm done my k I lay down and look at the stairs. The stars always mean so much more when you have someone to look for.

After about an hour of looking at the stars occasionally talking to them hoping that Hannah can hear me wherever she may be I head back to 'my room' without getting caught.

I lye down on my bed praying that when sleep takes over I won't have the same dream. I know I will but your girls got to hope. Letting the darkness consume I let my demons enter my mind.

Authors note:
Hey guys let me know if you liked this chapter.

What do you think of the story so far. Please tell me the truth cause I want to improve my wiring and I need your feedback to do that.

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Love Chloe xx

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