Chapter 19

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Blakely's POV:

"Now can one of you please explain to me WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED!?" Aunt Anna yells-I means asks us all. All us children are currently squished up on two couches in my aunts office while all the parents are standing there, some proud others made.

We all look down, lowkey scared of Aunt Anna right now. "Okay well either Blakely or Leo you can fess up now or your phones will stay in here, I don't care what your dad says." Aunt Anna says raising an eyebrow to us both.

I'm quick to talk, "Tiffany came over to the table and sat down on Leo and was kissing his neck after he told he to stop so I pulled her shity-ass hair back off of his neck. She ran away before her bitch of a sister walked back in and wanted a to have a go at me so I hit her in the face. Ana and Izzy came over and delt with her two friends Gio and Leo delt with her other fuck buddies. Oh and I then beat up Tiffany." As I retell the story the smile on my dad and all the other males, besides Gio's dad, have massive smiles on their faces along with Abagail. Aunt Anna was trying so hard not to smile but you could see how proud she was in her eyes.

"Both of them were also shit talking Blakes." Mila adds on. All of the adults, besides Gio's dad again, eye's soften as they turn to look at me causing me to shrug my shoulders and look down, whispering "Not anything I haven't heard before."

"Okay well anyway Tatiana, Isabella, Leonardo and Giovanni you will all have a one day suspension and Blakely you will have a four day. That's it really. You guys can go." Aunt Anna tells us.

"You guys all need to go to Base 1 now though to discuss the party." Uncle Ben tells us, causing us all to groan. "You can all drive your own car you can drive it however Blakely you are coming with me." Dad tells us.

shit. I did not just call him dad in my head. Fuckkkkkkkk.

"I also want Giovanni to come with us Al." Salvatore says in his annoying as tone. Gio stiffens but nods his head. "Okay well I will see you guys later." Aunt Anna said with a smile as we all slowly got up and walked out of the office. The walk to the car was silent. No one dared to talk.

Reaching the carpark I see multiple black SUV's waiting there, some with guards other empty and parked. I follow Dad over to a car hoping in the back seat, Gio also climbs in after me with my father getting in the drivers seat and his in the passengers seat.

For the first five minutes the car ride is silent, but not the comfortable type. Alejandro is the first to speak. "Blakely I hope you know that nothing about what those two girls said was true and that I am proud of you for sticking up for your brother." He said glancing back at me threw the mirror.

I just shrug my shoulders while saying, "Any little sister would stick up for their big brother." Looking back out the window. I hear Gio take a shaky breathe in and feel his knee start to bounce on the ground. It's causing the whole car to softly sway side to side.

We pull into a petrol/gas station.

"Get a grip Giovanni it's been years." His dad tells him and a frustrated voice scoffing at his behaviour. How dare he talk to him like that. "Have some respect Salvatore. His still young." My dad replies looking back at us through the mirror.

"Don't tell me how to treat my children Alejandro. He is going to be the future ca..." Salvatore bit back before my dad raised a barrier between the front and back, not wanting us to hear them fight.

Looking over at Gio I see his knee bouncing with his head in his hands pulling on his hair and his breathing rapid. Taking off my seatbelt I slide over closer to him. I reach up and go to rub my hand up and down his back before he flinches away looking back at me with tears streaming down his face.

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