Chapter 17- School

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Author's note:
Hey guys I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry for not posting. Please vote and comment and tell me any mistakes you see and any improvements I can make. Enjoy the chapter:).

Blakely's pov:


Groaning I reach over and stop my alarm on my phone. My head is pounding as I pull the blankets over my head.

Just like that everything that happens last night comes back to me. The shots. The weed. And I can confidently say right now I am regretting it.

Next thing I know is my door is thrown open. I peak my head out from under my blanket and I see that it was Enzo who walked in. Great. He comes over and rips the blankets off me. 

"What the fuck Enzo." I say trying to get my blanket off him. "Come on Blake you have to get up for school. I put aspirin on your bedside table with a cup of water, it'll help with your head." He says walking towards the door before turning and looking me in the eyes saying, "you leave for school in 30 minutes so hurry up."

Groaning I reach over and take the 2 pills Enzo left for me. Try swallowing, I head to the bathroom and have a quick shower. Hoping out I head to my closet where my school uniform is.

The school uniform consists of a skirt and button up shirt with a blazer for the girls. For the boys they have pants and a tie as well. The younger grades have the same uniform.

(School uniforms)

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(School uniforms)

When I first put in the skirt it goes down to the top of my knees. I decide to roll it up cause I look like I'm from the 1800.

Walking over to my vanity I put on some light makeup and put my hair into to loose dutch braids. Grabbing my bag, which I packed before the party, I make my way downstairs, placing it near the shoes.

Making my way into the kitchen I see everyone beside Leo, Ana and ty there. I walk over and take my seat Tj (Tyler). "Morning." I say lowly still have a massive headache. "Good morning Blakely how was the party?" Al questions with a smirk on his face.

"It was good." I reply while Enzo puts a 2 pancakes and some berries on my plate causing me to send him a glare. He gives me a cocky grin back.

"I heard you met the lightwoods there. What did you think of them?" He askes. "I only talked to Mila but she was really nice." I tell him cutting into my pancake.

"Nah you, mila and Izzy came over and were talking to me, roco and our friends. You guys were telling us how amazing older siblings we were and you asked me to do a shot train with you. Than when I said no you three stormed off." Enzo says with a smirk.


"Oh so you were drinking Blakely." Alejandro questioned but it comes out more as a statement. "Yep I was." I say confidently knowing there is no way out of it. "Well we will be talking about this after school." He says and before I reply Charlotte asks me  a question.

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