Chapter 13-Gio

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Blakely pov:

The next morning I woke up to an empty bed. Enzo must of left earlier. I look over at the clock on my bedside table to see it is 9:33.

I get out of bed and hop in the shower. After my 15 minute shower I get into some white pants and a brown top.

Blakely's outfit:

I've never worn a tight top like this because I was too insecure but I today I had some type of confidence and wore it

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I've never worn a tight top like this because I was too insecure but I today I had some type of confidence and wore it.

I got my phone and started walking downstairs. On my way down I find Alani trying to walk downstairs. "Hey Lani." I say to her slowly down the pace I was walking at.

"Hey Blakey. Can you please carry me down the rest of the way? My leg hurts to much." She asked holding her hands up so I can pick her up.

"Sure Lani." I say putting her on my hip. "I really like your top Blakely but Enzo will be mad." She said to me. "Why would he be mad?" I asked as we reached to bottom of the stairs. "Cause you can see you belly." She said. "Once Ana tried to wear a top like that to go see Xavier and she got in trouble."

I put Lani down before saying, "well if Enzo wants to get mad he can." We continued waking until we reached the kitchen.

In the kitchen Ana, Kurt and Leo were sitting on the stools while Gio was cooking something on the stove.   "Morning." I said walking over to the stool and sitting down on one, Lani coming and sitting next to me.

Everyone replied with good mornings and Ana looked over at me saying, "B your body looks fire in that outfit and it is so cute." I smiled and said thanks before looking forward again. 

When I turned forward I caught Gio looking me up and down. When his eyes met mine we both quickly looked away.

"So Blakely, when do you start at our school." Kurt asked me after a couple minutes of silence. "Um I don't actually know."

"Her and charlotte will be going tomorrow to do the test so than they can start on Tuesday with you guys." Alejandro said as he and Peter walked into the kitchen.

"Why do I need to do a test? I thought Mum sent you my school records." I questioned remembering when I heard him on the phone to her in the car ride from the airport.

"Yes she has however the school you are going to needs you to perform a test as there are different things taught at different stages." He answered my question.

"Also blakely i expect you to behave better here than you did at your old school. No more vaping or smoking or skipping class or yelling at teacher and especially no fights." He continued making me look down in embarrassment.

Half of those fights were with Taylor, my bitchy cousin, and the yelling at teachers were because they thought that I wasn't listening and I wasn't because I ALREADY was taught that.

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