Chapter 11- family dinner part 2

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Enzo and I walked out of the building next to each other in silence. He moved his hand back and forth across my knuckles trying to calm my heavy breathing.

When we get to his car he opens the passenger door for me and I slide in. I look straight ahead trying to calm my breathing down.

What the fuck is wrong with me. They all probably think I'm crazy and fat. I mean I am fat and ugly. How could I have done that. Of all days I did it today. I haven't had this problem in like 2 weeks. Why now?

"Blakely." I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Enzo's voice and his thumb brushing against my knuckles. I turn to look at him pushing back the tears that are threatening to fall.

"Are you ok? I'm sorry they said that stuff, it was really rude of them." Enzo said in a soft voice as if he was worried I would break any second.

Deciding to act like I'm totally fine, I say, "Yeah it's fine. I'm alright." We both know that's fake. I need to feel pain. Physical pain.

"Blake you know you can talk to me about this. You don't have to keep it bottled up inside. I'm here to be the older sibling now, not you." He said in a soft voice.

"I promise I'm fine Enzo." I said trying so hard to convince him. "It's not like I'm going to try to kill myself when we get home." Well I could accidentally cut just to deep and do the same thing Hannah did.

"But you have tried to before." Enzo said making me snap my head towards him. How the fuck did he know. There's no way he could have seen my wrists.

"W-What do you mean?" I question trying to play dumb.

"Blakely I saw the scars on your wrists this morning." Fuck. Fuck. Fuckkkkkk. How could I have been so stupid. He grabs my left wrist pulling the sleeve up.

"Your not alone anymore tesoro (sweetheart)." He say rubbing his finger of the scars. "Just promise me you won't do it again? Please."

"I-I can't promise that Enzo." I say my voice shaking as I look down at my lap. I just want to be in my bed under the covers.

"When was the last time you cut?" He questioned.

"Last night." I mumbled. A tear slowly falling from my eye. I quickly wipe it away as the back door suddenly gets ripped open.

I turn my head around to see Ty, Tyler and Leo getting into the car. Leo eyes are black. Like actually black with no emotions on his face at all. Ty looks furious.

"I fucking hate them all now." Leo grumbled putting on his seatbelt. I look out my window to see Alejandro with an angry face as well as Olivia and Ana. Some of the older cousins are coming out looking angry as ever as well.

Alejandro's pov:
(A/N: I'm doing Alejandro's pov at the dinner and what happened after Blakely and Enzo left.)

As me and all the adults talk about work over dinner, I can't help but look over at my piccolo topo (little mouse). I feel so bad that she had to go through all that alone with no one there to help her.

I see her start to push the food around on her plate. Even though she has only eaten half of it I'm proud of her for eating that much but I wish she would eat more.

"Blakely eat more." Mama V says. She's Emilia's mother but since I married her she has been like a second mother to me. I know by what she is saying she is just trying to look out for Blakely but she isn't.

"Mama V she doesn't have to." I tell her in a calm voice. Cameron looks directly at Mama V saying "Blakely you don't have to eat more."

"She should eat some more though. Charlotte and Talia have had more and they are younger than her. It's not healthy for her to only eat that much." My sister-in-law, Kat says.

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