Chapter 14

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Hey guys I just wanted to say that I am putting a tw on this chapter after someone messaged me asking me to do it so I'll be adding tw's now.


I shoot up into a sitting position panting. Looking around my room I see no one is there. No Hannah. No Lyla. No Charlotte. No J. No Rory.

Falling backwards, I calm down my breathing before  looking over at the clock on my bedside table. The numbers shine back at me.



Well it's not like I'm going to get anymore sleep. 5 hours will be enough. I get up and head into the bathroom. When I finish washing my hair my eyes catch sight of my blade that I left out.

I can't. I promised Enzo.

Think about how it would feel when the blade cuts through your skin. How much you will enjoy the pain. You deserve to feel that. I can't help but think.

It's not like anyone will care of you die or not.

I pick up the blade and hold it to my thigh. Tears fill my eyes as I slowly slide down the wall.

Do I do it or not? Is the pain worth it? Will they really care if I do it? Will they find out?

Before I even try to think of an answer to my questions I run the blade along my thigh. Red liquid pours out.

I cut my thigh again and again. Both thighs. Blood dripping down. The water now stained red. I only stop when my head starts to spin. Fuck


I stand up leaning against the wall for support. I stumbled out of the shower over to the cabinet where the first aid kit is.

I pick it up and slowly slide back to the fall when my legs get to weak. I find the gauzes and press them against the cuts. After wrapping bandages around the gauzes to keep them in place, I let my head fall back trying to keep the tears in.

How could I be this dumb. Get this distracted by the pain.

When my head stops spinning, I get up and get dress. Not being as confident as yesterday, I go with something that I always used to wear. One of Ben's T-shirts and jeans.

Blakely's outfit:

Once I'm dress I walk over to my make-up table

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Once I'm dress I walk over to my make-up table. Switching on my straightener, I brush out my hair. My hair is naturally wavy with the ends being ringlets.

My mum always used to say it looked like a birds nest when it wasn't straight, so now I never leave it naturally unless I'm going to bed with it wet.

After my hair is done I put it back in a clip. Gripping my concealer I put it on my wrists to cover my scars. I then put some on my face along with putting on some mascara and lip balm.

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