Chapter 2-Super rich

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Blakely's pov:

I just stood there shocked. How could my mother keep this from Charlotte and me for our whole lives? "Hahaha. Great joke." Praying that this all really is a joke.

" B-B-Blakely I have asked you once and I will not ask a-again go pack a bag for you and Charlotte." I can't believe her. This bitch is ordering me around after she has been lying to me my whole life. Maybe it is better, I won't have to put up with all her shit anymore.

"You know what. Fine, I'll go pack our bags but just a little fyi Kylie, you have lost 2 daughters today and don't think for one second I'll ever forgive you for this." I see a small smirk grow on the second man's face, whose name I still don't know.

I walk over to Charlotte, who has a few tears falling down her face, grab her hand and walk up the stairs. "Listen, Charlie, I need you to pack a bag with as many clothes as you can fit, any photos you want to take, your iPad and your koala. It'll be okay I promise. Me and you forever right?" I ask holding my pinkie up for her.

"Me and you f-forever." She says her voice slightly cracking from all the emotions. With that we both go in our rooms starting to pack our bags.

While packing, there is yelling down stairs and I just know that it's da-Bret and Alejandro. "Blake you can't leave. I can't do this without you. Mum and Dad are going to get a divorce and I'm gonna be the only one left for Aroura when you are gone." Jacob rushes into my room ranting to me.

"Listen Jay, it's going to be fine ok. I'll come back to visit and you can call me." I try to reason with him but it doesn't work. "But it won't Blake! Your going to be half way across the world! And plus your just going to leave Lyla like that! She can't loose 2 big sisters in a month!" Fuck, why did he have to bring that?

"Jake it'll be fine. Just make sure your there for Lyla because now you have BOTH lost 2 older sisters okay. It'll be fine, we'll all make it through this." I say to him not making eye-contact. I walk past him to go to Charlotte's room. When I walk in I see Charlotte and Haylee hugging.

"Come on Charlie we've got to go." I say in a low voice knowing that all 4 of us are going to cry. "Blakely p-please don't l-leave me." Aurora mumbles to me while moving from Charlotte to me. It'll be fine A I promise." I say breaking the hug and smiling at her. "Can you go downstairs and get my and Charlotte's charger please?" Aurora nods her head before walking out of the room.

I walk over to Charlotte and grab her hand and head downstairs. Stepping off the last step I am immediately pulled into a hug. I look up to see who it is only to reveal it being my mum. I don't hug her back and when she realises I won't she slowly let's go and hug Charlotte. I however, go over and hug the man who has been my father my whole life. We stay hugging each other for about a minute before he kisses me on the head whispering an 'I love you'. Than I'm tackled into a hug by Jacob. I instantly respond hugging him back. When I pull away I bend down and hug Aurora.

Standing back up and whipping my tears away, I go over and pick up mine and Charlotte's bag. I turn around and see Charlotte standing there crying. This is what I mean, no one will even hug her now while she is just standing there crying. So I go over and grab her hand. I begin walking towards the door before my mum say's "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you guys sooner. I-" I cut her off "If you truly were sorry you wouldn't of done it in the first place. I honestly don't give a shit about your reasoning behind it." I say not daring to look back and just walk out of the house I spent most of my childhood in.

"Have a good afternoon." Alejandro says before following me and Charlotte. The other guy opens the door for us, "Here I'll put your bags in the back for you." He says taking the bag before I have anything else to say.

Me and Charlotte climb into the car and man 2 hopping in the other side. Alejandro gets in the passenger seat as there is already someone in the driver seat. Shit these guys are rich. As we begin driving Alejandro is the first person to break the silence, "So girls, I'm sorry our first meeting had to be like that. So I will re-introduce myself. My name is Alejandro and I am your father. Me and your mother used to be friends and would see each other only when I came over here for work." So basically he fucked my mum whenever he came over to Australia resulting in me and Charlotte.

"I am your oldest brother Lorenzo but you can call me Enzo and I'm 19. I'm so happy you girls are coming to live with us." The second man finally spoke and I think he was trying to put on a voice that wasn't cold, but it failed.

"Well as you obviously already know, I'm Blakely and I'm 14." I said my voice having no emotion. I softly nudge Charlotte telling her to speak. "I-I'm Charlotte and I'm 8." She said quietly leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Great to meet you both. We will be arriving at the airport in 10 minutes than flying to Italy, where we live." Alejandro informed us to which we both nod our heads.


I look down at my phone seeing Chelsea texted me.

Dumb Bitch(Chelsea): Babes I'm here where r u

Me: Mate crazy shit has gone down. Bret isn't my dad.

Me: Me and Charlotte r moving to fucking italy to live with our real dad!

Dumb Bitch: Bitch what!!!

Dumb Bitch: who knew kylie would actually fuck another guy

Dumb Bitch: well I'll tell the others and call me whenever u can

Me: love u xx

Dumb Bitch: love u xxx

I look out my window realising we are already at the airport. when the car is parked we hop out and Enzo grabs our bags for us. We walk through the airport not even going through security which is weird. Plus all the security guards won't look any of us 4 in the eyes. I see we aren't walking in towards the normal flights get boarded.

We walk out on the tarmac and towards a private plane which is fully black with a 'B' in white writing on the side. Shit I'm moving in with millionaires!

Charlotte and I follow Enzo up the stairs and into the plane. We sit on the couch while the others sit over on the seats.

(inside of the plane)

Who knows what will happen when we land

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Who knows what will happen when we land.

Author's note:

Hey guys, here is the second chapter!

If you have any feedback or questions please ask them.

Also if you could vote that would be amazing.

Chloe xx.

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