Chapter 7- The Office

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Blakely's pov:

When me and Leo reached the donning room everyone was already there besides Alejandro. Enzo, Ana and the random girl and boy were all at one end taking in low voices while Ty,Tj, Charlotte and Alani were all at the other end talking.

When we sat down everyone's eyes were on me and o hated it. "Are you going to introduce them to our sisters or not?" Leo asked noticing how much I hate attention.

"Right." Enzo started, "Girls, this is my beautiful girlfriend Olivia. Liv these are my little sisters Blakely and Charlotte."

"Hey girls it's lovely to meet you both!" Olivia said. I got to give it to Enzo cause Olivia was pretty. She had think long blond hair, the perfect body, blue eyes which had a dash of green and the clearest skin that was a tan colour.

"Hey it nice to meet you too." Charlotte said while I just smiled.

"Right this is my boyfriend Xavier. Xavier my sisters." Ana said after realising she should introduce us. Xavier had brunette hair, a muscular body like Enzo and Leo, brown eyes and light skin.

What was with this family and being hot with hot partners?

Xavier just smiled at us which we returned. The maids than bring out breakfast which was French toast with strawberries and blueberries.

While eating everything was silent. "um Blakely are you ok after what happened before?" Tyson questioned halfway through breakfast.

"Yeah I'll be fine it's not the first time."' I replied with a fake smile while flicking the hair tie on my wrist.

"I asked J about the necklace and he said he looked in your room but couldn't find it." Charlotte said to which I nodded my breath grow quicker ands trying to focus on my breathing.

"Wait your telling me you had a whole ass panicked attack over a necklace." Leo questioned. "Yes but-" I started but was cut off by a phone ringing. "Sorry guys." Enzo said answering the call.

"Hello....yeah okay...... ha un attacco di panico quindi assicurati di chiederglielo....she will be there in 20... ok bye." (Translation: she has a panic attack so make sure you ask her about that) Enzo ended the call looking my way saying. "Blakely, dad wants to see you in his work office in 20 minutes. So Ana will drive you there."

"Oh well we will stop there on the way to get our nails done cause I had promised Charlie and Lani that we would go today." Ana replied.

"That's fine but dad want Blake there in 20 before his meeting." Enzo said to which Ana nodded.

We all left the dining room to go get dressed. I got into some jeans with a shirt and put my hair into a lose, low, messy bun.

Her outfit and hair:

Her outfit and hair:

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