Chapter 12

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Blakely's pov:

After ty and Leo told us what had happened after we left Enzo was furious. I however feel bad that I have caused so much drama through the family.

We have been driving for about 5 minutes in silence before Enzo  breaks the silence saying, "Blakely stop   thinking this is your fault because it's not. And it's not just me saying this cause if it was your fault than to you really think that Isabella and Blake-the two of our most moodiest cousins- would stick up for you.?"

"I don't know." I mumbled. "They wouldn't Blakely. When I first moved in they didn't speak to me for the first 5 months before Grammy made us three sit in a room together and have a conversation." Ty said.

No one talked for the rest of the ride home. There was no music playing. Everyone was just thinking about what has happened tonight, we'll more like today.


We walk in the door of the house only to see the rest of my siblings and Alejandro standing there waiting for us.

As soon as the realise we are in the room Ana runs over and tackles me into a hug. "I'm so so sorry Blakes. They should of said any of that." She whispered still hugging me.

"It's fine Ana. I promise." With that she let go of me before I am hugged by another person. Looking down I see it is Charlotte hugging me like I'm going to disappear.

"I'm okay Char Bear. I promise." I whisper to her, using the nickname Hannah had for her. "I miss her." Charlotte says loud enough for everyone to hear.

"I do too bubs but there is nothing we can do about that. I wish she was here with us right now but she can't physically be." I tell her a tear falling out of my eye. Looking up to see Ana with tears in her eyes.

"Blakely can you please come to my office with me quickly." Alejandro asked to which I nodded. Charlotte let's go of me wiping her face.

I follow Alejandro to his office as I watch Ana go over and hug charlotte and the rest go upstairs. Reaching his office I sit in the chair opposite him.

"I'm so sorry about what happened at dinner piccolo topo (little mouse) none of them had the right to say anything. I don't want you to feel the need to change the amount of food you eat or what you eat because of what they said. Also I want you to know that I'm so proud of how much you did eat before Mama V said anything." Alejandro spoke with a soft voice looking at me but I avoided his face looking down.

"It's fine. She had a right to say what she did and I'm sorry for making this into a fight that didn't need to happen." I say still looking down.

I hear him get up but I don't make a move to look up at him. "Piccolo topo you have nothing to be sorry for." He says crouching in front of me. He raises my head so I'm looking at him as he continues, "they had no right to comment on anything you or any of you sibling do and especially not cause a massive scene like that. It wasn't your fault any of that happened ok?" He said looking me dead in the eyes the whole time.

"Okay." I said with a small smile on my face. "You can go up to bed now but could I get a hug before you go?" He questioned sounding embarrassed.

I walk over to him wrapping my arms around his waist. As much as I hate physical touch his hug was an exception. I felt safe in his arms. Like he could protect me from all my demons.

Pulling apart when there was a knock on the door, Alejandro tells the person to come in. The door opens and Peter, Gio's uncle, walks in.

"Sorry to interrupt guys but Al something happened with a shipment." He said causing Alejandro to sigh. "Alright well Blakely you can go upstairs." Alejandro said before Peter added in saying, "Val, Gio and Kurt are all up in the family room on the bedroom floor if you want to go hang out with them."

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