Chapter 10-Family dinner

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Blakely's pov:

Ana pulls me past all the boys who are just standing in my room. She drags me into her room shutting the door behind us.

"Umm... well do you want to do hair or makeup first?" She asked to which I respond with, "I don't mind you can choose."

"Alright you do your hair and I'll do my makeup." Tatiana tells me. I smile and nod at her. "You can borrow any of my stuff. O and I also know the perfect dress for you to wear." She says excitedly running into her closet.

2 minutes later she walks out holding a navy blue dress, a red dress and a pink dress all with spaghetti straps and a black dress and a emerald green dress with long sleeves.

"I'll leave them here for us to get into later." She says placing them on the bed before waking into her bathroom and pulling a straightener out. "I only have this at the moment because I broke my curler. Sorry."

"It's fine I was going to use a straightener anyway." I replied smiling at her.


An hour and half later and we are both ready to go. I chose the black long sleeve dress with my hair in beach waves and natural makeup. Ana is wearing the navy spaghetti strap with her hair in a high ponytail and natural makeup.

Blakely's dress

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Blakely's dress

Blakely's dress

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Ana's dress

"We look so hot." I say as we both stand infront of the mirror in Tatiana's room. "Hell yeah. Gio's not gonna know what hit him." She smirks looking over at me.

"What do you mean?" I question feeling my face heat up. "Don't act all dumb. I've known Giovanni his whole life and not once have I ever heard him call someone love and don't act like you didn't check eachother out. I mean you guys would be soooooo cute together." She says while I'm a blushing mess.

No one will ever date you. 

Your just a fat bitch who will die alone.

You'll just burden another person with all you problems.

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