Chapter 23

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Blake's POV

After I hung up the call with the rest of my family I was fuming. Not only did I have to go see my ex to pick up my little girl but Uncle Al also put me on house watch.

So right now I was on the way to pick up my princess from her mother's house, then I had to go back to Uncle Als house and watch the little kids who were there while the rest of the family was out looking for Blakely.

When I pull up to Lizzy's house I see another car out the front. Probably one of her hoes. I sigh and make my way to the front door.

I nock and wait a couple minutes but no one comes so I just open the door. Walking in I can already hear the sound of Lizzy and whoever she has over going at it.

Deciding to ignore that I go to her room and find her sitting on her bed with the blanket pulled fully over her head. A chuckle leaves me as I walk over and pull the blanket off her head. "Hey princess." I smile down at her. She gasps and wraps her little arms around my neck

"Hi dada. Can we leave please. Mummy is making the weird sounds again."  She says as she stuffs her face in my neck.

I get all of her things before walking out to the car and driving off.

When we reached the house the security was doubled. I drove up to the entrance and parked my car there.

"Dada who's gonna be here?" Evie asks as we walk up to the door. "Just the little kids. I think Leo is here too but I'm not sure."

She nods her head and I knock on the door. Within seconds the door opens and Leo is standing there with a stressed face.

If I'm being honest I'm shocked to see him out of his room at this time of the year.

"Thank fuck you are here Blake. I'm leaving now." He says. Trying to push past me. There is no way I'm letting him go out. I know what he will do if he goes out there.

"Evie can you go find your friends for me go to the kitchen with them so I can give you guys some dinner." She nods her head at my words and runs off.

I grab my little cousin by his bicep and drag him into the living room despite his clear disapproval. I push him down on the couch and stand over the top of him.

"Leo listen. You are not going out there. You are not in the right headspace and you'll get yourself killed. That's final." I tell him in my mafia voice.

"But Blake I have too. I'm the one who hung up on her. I'm the one who decided not to just go get her myself. If I had of done that they wouldn't have gotten her. So know I have not only let them do whatever they have done to my little sister but I also let them kill my twin brother." He says with tears in his eyes.

"Leo this isn't your fault. You did what you thought was right and because you were going through your own shit. That doesn't matter. And I have already told you thousands of times you. Didn't. Kill. Theo. The only person blaming you is you." I tell him and he just looks to the ground.

He just nods his head still not looking up. "Come to the kitchen to eat something then me and you will go look at the CCTV again yeah?"  I reason with him.

He just nods his head and stands up as we both walk to the kitchen and find all the little kids there waiting for us.


I've been here for around three hours and there is still no update. The kids are watching a movie upstairs with my dogs watching the door. 

I have eight dogs. All of them are trained to protect and only listen to me or Evie. I made one of the men go over and get them for extra protection.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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