Chapter 6 -Mafia and Panick attacks

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Blakely's pov:

It's the next day and I have been up since 3:23am because of my nightmare. Every time I close my eyes I see Hannah sitting there with blood covering her arms, pale skin and nothing in her eyes.

Right now it's 6:17 and I'm reallyyyyyyy thirsty. However I don't want to go downstairs and get water incase I run into someone. 

Fuck it.

I slowly open my door looking left and right seeing no one is there and all the doors are closed. I being to walk downstairs, thankful that the stairs don't creek like the ones back home do.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs the only spice of light is the sunlight slowly starting to creep into the house.

Reaching the kitchen, surprisingly not getting lost, I walk over to the kitchen and pull out a cup. I walk over to the sink and pour some water into the cup. 


Shit my phone is on loud. I quickly answer not even looking at who is calling.



Bitch I have got a English test and I got no chance. You are so lucky you moved.

Cc I really don't care right now.

B have you eaten yet cause you need to make sure you do.

It 6:17 I hav-

"Drop the fucking phone and put your hands up." Some random tall dude in a suit comes in holding a gun.

"I'll call you back Cc got to go love you." I quickly say to Chelsea before hanging up and putting my phone down in the counter top.

"Mitch go get capo and tell him we have an intruder." Gun guy says. Does he really have to be holding a gun because of her wasn't than I could easily beat him up. Thanks to Liam and Ben teaching all us girls how to fight.

Wait how the fuck is capo?

"Look mate I'm sure we could sort this out if you just put the gun down." I say trying to sound brace when really I want to cry.

"Little girl I'm not going to fall for one of your tricks." Gun guy tells me. "Who sent you and what do you want with our mafia?"



"What is going on. Sullivan why did you call me down so early in the morning?" Alejandro questions and walks in with Enzo right after gun guy, who name I have now found out is Sullivan, spoke.

"Capo this young girl was on the phone looking through the kitchen." Sullivan told them with a smug smile on his face.

"I was just getting a drink cause I was thirsty. Sorry if that is a crime in the mafia." I said with no emotion, emphasising on the mafia bit.

"That is my daughter you are pointing your gun at Sullivan." Alejandro spoke glaring at Sullivan while Enzo looks at me with wide eyes.

"Wait what do you mean mafia?" Enzo asked causing Alejandro to realise that I had mentioned that.

"Well thanks to good old Sully here, I am assuming you guys are the Italian mafia." I said glaring at both of them who had pale faces.

"Okay well I'm going back upstairs to my bedroom to call my friend back. I'll be down for breakfast later." I said picking up my phone and the glass of water and walking upstairs leaving both the men frozen in the kitchen.

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