Chapter 18

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Blakely's pov:

Ana shows me the way to the cafeteria. When we walk in everyone stops and looks at us. Immediately I wrapped my arms around myself out of old habits.

I see my family, the lightwoods and some other kids all sitting along the middle table. Ana starts walking over towards the table with me following her. There are two seats left, one in the middle of Xavier (Ana's boyfriend) and Isaiah and one next to Leo and Izzy.

Ana takes the first seat leaving me with the second. Sitting down I sigh and look over towards Gio. He is sitting on the other side of the table at the end. He looks up and we lock eyes but look away when I hear a squeaky, annoying voice.

Looking over I see a real-life Barbie going and sitting on Leo's lap. She has her hands all over him and he looks to be hating it. "Hey baby who's this...person?" She asks looking at me in disgust.

"Her name is Blakely and she is my sister." He says, his voice not holding any emotion. "What's up with you today Leo? You seem tense." She asks.

"It's nothing. Leave it Tiffany." He says back letting out a sigh. So this is the girl he was fucking the first night we got here. She starts kissing down his neck while he tries to shove her off. "Stop Tiffany, I'm not in the mode."

She doesn't stop, as she starts running her hand through his hair. "Tiffany." He says in a warning voice. But she doesn't stop. I see Leo's hand clench in and out of fists.

Having enough of listening to my brother telling this bitch to stop I pull her back by her bleached hair. She looks at me with wide eyes before asking "why the fuck did you do that?"

Scoffing I say "Maybe it's because Leo had been asking you to stop for the past 2 minutes." I reply. "You know I'm pretty sure when someone asks you to stop you are supposed to." I say my hands tightening around her hair.

"Ouch you bitch let go." She says, so I do. "You see that's what you call listening barbie." I tell her receiving some chuckles from the people at the table.

After a few minutes past the cafeteria doors open and the sound of heels clicking can be heard. "Shit." I hear Val whisper under her breath.

"Which one of you bitches put a hand in my little sister?" A high pitch voice says. Looking back I see an older version of barbie, I mean Tiffany standing there.

"That would be me." I say turning around with a smirk on my face. Don't know where i got the sudden confidence from but I'm loving it. This bitch has the audacity to scoff at me. 

"So what. You. An overweight teenage girl who is new to the school thinking she can walk in here acting like she owns the place, attacks my little sister." She says rolling her eyes. Taking a deep breath I decided that I'm not going to take it like I normally would. 

"That not who I fucking am." I say getting annoyed. I stand up and start walking over to her. "I'm Blakely fucking Bianchi." I say stopping right in front of her. Two of her minions come over and stand beside her causing Ana and Izzy to come and stand beside me.

"You know what even if you are a Bianchi, you don't fit into there categories." She says looking me up and down. "How so?" I question.

"To start off with your nose is to big for your face, your thighs are like three times the size of anyone else's, your boobs are far to big for your body and don't even get me started on your stomach." She say making me feel really insecure but I don't show it. Everyone starts gasps.

"What about you? You clearly have a fake nose, fake lashes, fake boobs, fake butt. I mean is there anything on your body that isn't fake barbie? And that bleached hair is not a vibe sweet heart." I bite back at her causing everyone to cheer.

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