Chapter 15

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Blakely's pov:

The car ride back was quite, the only sound was the music playing. When we got home we all got out of the car and head to the living room.

Reaching there we find Leo, Ty and Lani sitting on the couch watching a show. Well Lani is watching the tv and the boys are on their phones.

Me and charlotte go and sit on one of the seats. "So how was your girls tests?" Leo asks with a smirk causing ty to look up at us.

"It was fine the math was hard though." Charlotte tells the boys before they all look over to me. "It was alright but the history you guys learnt is different to what I learnt so it was hard to do that." I tell them leaving out the bit about how I did the year 10 test.

"How did you find that easy B. You literally did a the test for year 10." Charlie says causing both the boys to yell out "WHAT!"

"Well yeah I did. Aunt Anna said that as I was in the extension class in Australia that I can move up a year." I say pulling out my phone when I hear it ringing.

"Omg is it Ben?" Charlotte asks jumping in her seat. "Yeah." I reply while answering the phone. Jakob, Rory, Ben and Lyla's face pop up. "CHARLIEEEEEEEEE!" Ben yells as soon as I put her in frame.

"BENNY BOO!" Charlotte yelled back. "BLAKEY!" Rory and Lyla both yell. "Guys let's stop the yelling. Please." I ask while Jake reply's with, "Look the party pooper Blakely is back."

We talk for a couple hours before they all had to go. "Bye guys love you." Charlie says running off after Alani. "Bye B love you." Rory says followed by jake saying the same thing.

"Lys before you go I just wanted to say that I'm sorry that I left. I know it's probably hard for you losing both your older sisters and I'm so so sorry. I wish that I could of brought you over here but I couldn't. And I know that your parents are yelling heaps lately and I'm so sorry that I'm not there to come and get you when that happens. But I love you so much Lyla and so does Hannah."  I tell her with tears rolling down my face. 

"It's not your fault B and whenever my parents are fighting I just call J and we both go sit in your and Hans spot. And I love you too but I really got to go before I get in heaps of trouble. Byeee." She says waving to me at the end before running off.

"Ben you know you can cry right." I tell him. Ben's parents are really strict and brought Ben up telling him that he can't show emotion because his the male in the house. When his little sister died his dad would let him cry. He would come over to mine or Hannah's and just cry to us. Since then I have only saw him cry on that day.

"I know B, but he won't let me and mum keeps going on business trips. Now I have no one." He whispers the last bit thinking I won't hear.

"Yes you do ben. You have me and all our friends ok. Promise me you will go to them and not keep it bottled up. You guys all need to look out for each other on her birthday and you need to spend Sara's birthday with someone not alone." I tell him.

"She would of been 11 B. And it's would of been both their golden birthdays. And neither of them are going to be here. They were so excited for this year and now neither of them are going to be here for it." He says with a lone tear rolling down his cheek as I cry more.

"I know Benny but we both need to remember that they love us so much ok. Cause I know you always forget that and think about how much she would hate you for what you have done. But she doesn't. You did what you had to ok." I tell him.

"I'm literally selling drugs for my dad. How would she not hate me." He asks. "Because she knows your dad. She knows what he would of done to you. Trust me she would be proud of you." I tell him.

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